A Day At Tajmahal Mosque

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2 years ago

Hello my dear friends. I hope you are well by the grace of Almighty. My best wishes with you all. Last 48 hours I was working too hard. No sleep. No rest. Only focused on my next project. I really missed read.cash and noise.cash. Didn't post anything. This annoyed me. After having some rest, now I am back in business. So what's going on here?

If you ask me the same question, I will reply with this. I was making a documentary. More to tell about that but let me say something else. For last 48 hours, I had been working. I sweated a lot. I had to concentrate fully. This thing taught me a very good lesson. Life is all about being busy with mess done by you or someone else. You have to focus. I was doing the same.

The documentary is about an old mosque named 'Tajmahal Mosque'. Before your mind ring bell, let me clear one thing. I am not talking about the great Tajmahal, situated at Agra, India. You can say that this a similar copy of that gigantic sculpture. Fakhruddin Mahmud Mosque, known as Tajmahal Mosque, is situated in my area. Actually on my work place. I love this place so much. You can find your inner peace while visiting this complex. It's importance and name spread everywhere. Not only for being similar with one of the 7 wonders of the world but also for the past glory of this mosque. People from different area often visit this place.

So my team decided to make a documentary about this mosque. We started gathering important equipments. We needed perfect source of information. History is great with exact story. Fabricated stories about ancient things make a smile to kids but the elders prefer the exact one. We examined and reexamined our sources. Then we started to collect the story. It was built long ago. The founder of this mosque was deeply in love with original Tajmahal situated in India. We visited several times there. Deeply in heart, he cherished the dream of making such a thing in his birthplace. Days passed and he began to look for the perfect architect who could make his dream come true.

Once he found the correct person, he described his desire. The architect understood but the founder wanted perfection. So he visited Tajmahal again but took the architect with him too. Both of them were making notes of it. Then finally they returned and started making the mosque. The founder was a kind hearted person. He wanted the people to be religious. So he wanted to make that mosque widely open for all. It took many years to build it. And finally here it is.

We interviewed some people residing there for many years and asked about the past and present situation. The entire complex have a school, a graveyard, a colony for people to live in by providing rent at a minimum cost. Besides these, the complex trust committee helps the poor and needy people with the income. We collected sone old footage and now my team are preparing the documentary video. We will send this to national archive. We want that people must know the history.

A beautiful architecture that describes the past and spreads love to humanity. It also teaches me a lesson that hard work pays off. I feel completely ok with it. And now I'm preparing for a new adventure. What's that? Wait, I will let you know. Till then stay tuned. Take care of yourselves. Thank you.

The pictures in this content are taken by me. All rights are reserved by Arn.49

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$ 0.03 from @Ling01
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Written by
2 years ago


When you said "Tajmahal" I was like (ohhh wow) because it is one of the place that I want to visit soon, in GOD's Will. But still, even it's not the real Tajmahal in India, the structure of that mosque was really great. It was built with love

$ 0.00
2 years ago

One day, you will. I pray for your success dear

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2 years ago