How to regulate the emotions of our children?

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3 years ago

Your children may have unwanted thoughts and attitudes and that due to their age they do not know how to channel those emotions, so they need all our understanding and help. As parents or guardians we need to be vigilant in order to provide you with the necessary help.

The first thing we must know and be attentive to is the behavior of our children. We know that in these moments we live very difficult and complex situations. Spending all day at home, when previously you could enjoy freedom, having to take classes at home and not sharing with friends is also stressful.

These situations or others provoke behaviors in our children that in many cases need our help, support and understanding, so HOW CAN WE HELP THEM?

  1. The first thing we must see is if these behaviors have been present for a long time, if so, you should go to a professional to help us and offer us specialized care.

  2. To help regulate our children's emotions, we must help them understand that not everything can be perfect. There are children in whom a sense of perfectibility is inherent, this frustrates them, so we must tell them that even making mistakes it is okay to continue.

  3. It is very important to let them know that they mean a lot to you, regardless of the accomplishments you may have on school, athletic, or artistic assignments. In these moments it is essential to tell and reiterate to our children our love and understanding for them.
  1. Talk to him constantly. Share with him some bad decisions you have made and explain why, how you felt then and how you feel now. How you have overcome these stages and situations that are very common in daily life.

  2. Every time he manages to overcome either mastering a content, or a board game or video game, congratulate him, because it is a time that he has invested and more if he does not manage to completely master those activities, even so congratulate them, he makes an effort and needs support.

  3. Being isolated and locked up all the time, children tend to feel irritated and sometimes we don't know why, so we have to talk to them, explain the situation. Encourage him to express himself.
  1. If he's frustrated because he can't finish the task or just can't get through a level in his favorite video game, explain that there is more than one way to get the solution. Sit down with them and explain other ways.

  2. In these times of confinement in which the development of children is atypical we must pay more attention and know how to listen to them. It is very important to place life situations for them so that they understand that there are other spaces in which other regulations are regulated.

These months of confinement have shaped much of our behaviors as adults that have affected our children, so knowing how to handle and regulate both the emotions of the little ones, as well as ours, help us to face this "new normal".

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3 years ago
