Creating Boundaries Over Empathy

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2 months ago

In order to understand things, learn, and grow, we must look at the aerial view of our lives. "Looking at the broader perspective could help us see situations beyond borders."

As someone who has been a global thinker, my self-proclaimed weakness has always been an understanding person. Ever since I learned about Philosophy, I have become more open-minded and started being that "bigger person." A person who sees the bigger picture, a person who looks on the positive side, and a person who understands. I always thought that being that person wouldn't harm myself. I thought that if I look at the bigger picture, be considerate, be kind and understand people around me, I can fully paint a picture of harmony and empathy. But that was just what I thought. I started losing my own battle since I let my guards down. I prioritize other people's feelings and neglected mine. I always think about what others would feel, what they would do, how they would react but I never asked myself what I would feel, what I would do, and why they did that. I invalidate my own feelings just to make them feel valid of themselves. Then I ask myself, if I was looking at the broader perspective, why can't I see myself being neglected? It is because I didn't create boundaries. I let people take advantage of my kindness. I let people disrespect me for the sake of a good relationship. I was too late to realize that "not because I understand them or their situation, I will allow them to do things against my will."

That is why I have learned to "create boundaries over empathy." I will never let myself be in that kind of situation again. I will make sure to use the bigger picture to see where I can improve myself, what I can do for myself, and how I can free myself from being caged on other people's opinions.

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