is Going to be My Bestfriend

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Good day everyone! Let me tell you story where only I and the universe knows...!

But before that, thanks to the one who posted on that strikes me so so hard! It says on one line, "Everyone should write on because everyone had their own story to tell...", and that's I think the reason why I am here publishing my first ever article on this amazing website!

Before anything else as I open up my life through writing, I want to introduce myself. I am Archie, 22, living in the Pearl of the Orient Seas, the historical and romantic title for the Philippines. I have 4 brothers and 2 sisters, we are seven children in the family and my parents are separated for almost 10 years. I only had my mother on my side. Despite that, life goes on!

I want my articles/blogs to be true, sincere, and calm as I am in real life. As if you read, you also get to deeply knowing me, and I really love that.

I want my readers to be inspired to my stories and keep moving on in life. Family matters, pursuing dreams, priorities, finding the real self, freedom, longing for someone, and many more. This is how my stories run.

And by the way, I apologize for some wrong grammars as English is not my native language. I just want to use English to deeply connect to other races.

I want this platform to be my bestfriend as well because in real life, I have no one. I want also my readers to feel free to comment whatever you feel in my stories. It's going to be exciting!

So..see you on my next story? 😊

Sincerely yours,
- Archie

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