The forms of Allah(References)

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4 years ago

The nature of man, that is, the quality of creation, will not be similar to that of Allah. As Allah knows. But knowing creation is not like him. His power is not like the power of creation. It is not like seeing, hearing, talking, seeing or hearing about humans or creation. [39]

Therefore, the attributes of Allah are described in the Qur'an and Hadith in the same way. Allaah says, ‘He is seated on the Throne’. That is what we have to say.

Ibn 'Abd al-Barr said, "Imam Malik is asked,' Will Allah be seen on the Day of Resurrection? ' He replied, Yes! Can be seen. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

So there is the shape of Allah. He is not formless. Because it is possible to visit only those who have size. But not the formless.

[1]. Imam Abu Hanifa, Al-Fiqhul Absat, p. 51.

[2]. Tafsir Ibn Katheer, 3rd volume, p. 264.

[3]. Tafsir Ibn Katheer, 6 / 12-13; Imam Ahmad, R-Raddu Alal Jahmiyah, pp. 49-51.

[4]. Majmoo'ah Fatawa 5 / 16-79.

[5]. Majmoo 'Fatawa 5 / 191-93.

[6]. Tafsir Ibn Katheer, 8th volume, p. 570.

[7]. Uthman bin Saeed Ad-Daremi, Ar-Raddu Alal Jahmiyah, Tahqiq: Badr bin Abdullah Badr (Kuwait: Daru Ibn Asir, 2nd edition, 1995), pp. 43-44.

[8]. Muslim, Mishkat H / ৬৭ ‘Iman’ chapter.

[9]. Muttafaq alaih, Mishkat H / ৬৮ ‘Iman’ chapter, ‘Conspiracy’ paragraph.

[10]. Infitar 72 / 10-12; Tafsir Ibn Katheer, 8th volume, p. 404.

[11]. Al-Qawaidul Musla fi Shifatillahi wa Asma'ihil Husna, pp. 70-71.

[12]. .

[13]. Tafsir Tabari, 15/232 p.

[14]. Tafsir Tabari 15/232 p.

[15]. Tafsir Tabari 15/232.

[16]. Ma'alimut Tanzeel, 5/175.

[17]. Bukhari H / 636 ‘Tauhid’ Chapter, Paragraph-9.

[18]. Ha-Meem Sajdah 41/22; Bukhari H / 6521 ‘Tauhid’ Chapter, Paragraph-41.

[19]. Ma'arijul Kabul 1/304.

[20]. Bukhari H / 4811, ‘Tafsir’ chapter.

[21]. Bukhari H / 8412.

[22]. Muslim H / 2659; ‘Repentance’ Chapter, Paragraph-5.

[23]. Bukhari, Muslim, Mishkat H / 5562.

[24]. Muslim H / 2654 ‘Fate’ Chapter, Paragraph-3.

[25]. Bukhari, H / 1410 ‘Zakat’ chapter.

[26]. Bukhari, H / 3346 ‘Tafsir’ chapter.

[27]. Bukhari H / 6364 ‘Tauhid’ Chapter.

[28]. Bukhari H / 4919 ‘Tafsir’ chapter.

[29]. Bukhari, H / 3439 ‘The Story of the Prophets’ Chapter.

[30]. Muslim, H / 2648 ‘Repentance’ Chapter, Paragraph-1.

[31]. Bukhari, H / 2627 ‘Jihad and Siyar’ Chapter, Article-27.

[32]. Tafsir Ibn Katheer, 1400 volumes, p. 200.

[33]. Bukhari H / 7435 ‘Tauhid’ Chapter.

[34]. Bukhari H / 6436 ‘Tauhid’ Chapter, Article-24.

[35]. Muslim H / 161 ‘Iman’ Chapter, Paragraph-60.

[36]. Al-Fiqh al-Absatb, p.

[37]. Al-Fiqhul Akbar, p. 302.

[38]. Aqeedatus Salaf Ashabul Hadith, p. 42; Sharhul Fiqhbul Akbar, p.70.

[39]. Al-Fiqhul Akbar, p. 302.

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4 years ago
