Slavery Today

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3 years ago

According to the Global Slavery Index 2018, over 40 million people are victimss of modern slavery, and of these, 15 million are in forced marriage. Slaveryy involves violence, physical or psychological,, and control – often in the form of threats in order to generate profit. To quote Kevin Bales, 'Slavery is when one person controls another, uses violennce to maintain that control and exploits them economically.' This violence may be physical and/or psychological, and the contrrol may be verbal threats – but at the heart of slavery is exploitation and 'ownership' of another human being for profit. Forms of modern slavery include forced labour, human trafficking, commercial sexual exploitation, domestic servitude and forced marriage.

You might be surprised to see forced marrriage included above. Sadlyy, forced marriage involves the same lack of choice, power imbalance, coercion and labour exploitation as other forms of slavery. This also includes forced child marriage – usually of girls, of 17 years or younger....'''ll

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Wow, Nice to read your article. I learned a lot. Thanks.

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3 years ago