Inventor Peter Florjančič

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3 years ago

Certainly one of the most successful Slovenian innovators is Peter Florjančič. Even though he was 100 years old last year, he is still full of life. There is not a moment when I would not think of a new challenge, a new invention. He was also an athlete, a melody writer and an actor. He lived in Switzerland, Monte Carlo, Austria, Italy, Germany, and in recent years in Bled and Radovljica.

In his opinion, three things are important for successful innovative work: to have the joy of discovering obstacles, to believe in yourself and to surround yourself with people who trust you. Above all, one must be lucky.

Florjančič was a rather unsuccessful student at school, at least in grammar school, and later in technical school he proved himself. But a fateful moment occurred during a horrific period of his life when he was drafted into the German army. He was saved by his invention - a weaving machine.

hand looms

The Germans recognized the potential in him. However, his struggle for life required even more subtlety. He even had to stage his own death, and his parents gave a memorial service for the mass. Then he was able to start a new life in Switzerland.


There, together with a Jewish friend, he patented a weaving machine and sold the invention. From the begging stick he thus came to gold and among the cream itself. However, his life was not just on the dance floor, behind a richly lined table, in a tailcoat or an elegant car and a luxurious house.

Certainly, it was not always easy for the family and he was aware of that, but such a way of life also brought many advantages to the family. Because they traveled a lot, he was able to provide his daughters with a first-class education and they learned several languages.

The biggest breakthroughs

She also works for Elizabeth Arden. He created a perfume spray for her, which was later bought by all renowned brands, including Coco Chanel and Dior. When he sent Arden a perfume spray that was already patented, he received a plane ticket to the United States in the return mail. And he went.

perfume bottle sprayer

He earned the most with a spraying machine, which he sold for 1.5 million Swiss francs. Among his favorite inventions is the diaronic - a frame for slides.

plastic injection machine


Peter Florjančič used to be with his ideas ahead of time. One such example is the car airbags he envisioned as early as 1957, but the automotive industry at the time was not yet technologically ready for this revolutionary innovation.

car airbags

He patented as many as 400 products, and 43 of them reached the production stage.

Peter Florjančič was indeed a multiple millionaire, he had more than 40 cars and more than ten luxurious houses. Certainly, the greatest wealth in his life is imagination, drive and joy of life. Maybe it just wasn’t just luck, because luck is on the side of the brave. In fact, there is something much more in these glowing eyes, an almost perfectly smooth face, cavalier posture, and dignity.

wedding picture

All his life he followed his mother's advice that the palm should be open. This means that if you do not spend the palm is closed and then even money cannot come into the closed palm.

Cijeli život slijedio je majčin savjet da dlan treba biti otvoren. To znači da ako ne potrošite dlan zatvoren, a onda ni novac ne može doći u zatvoreni dlan.

Peter Florjančič Svakako jedan od najuspješnijih slovenskih inovatora je Peter Florjančič. Iako je prošle godine imao 100 godina, još uvijek je pun života. Ne postoji trenutak kada ne bih pomislio na novi izazov, novi izum. Također je bio sportaš, pisac melodija i glumac. Živio je u Švicarskoj, Monte Carlu, Austriji, Italiji, Njemačkoj, a posljednjih godina i na Bledu i Radovljici.

Prema njegovu mišljenju, za uspješan inovativni rad važne su tri stvari: imati radost otkrivanja prepreka, vjerovati u sebe i okružiti se ljudima koji vam vjeruju. Iznad svega, mora se imati sreće.

Florjančič je bio prilično neuspješan učenik u školi, barem u gimnaziji, a kasnije se i u tehničkoj školi dokazao. No, sudbonosan trenutak dogodio se tijekom stravičnog razdoblja njegova života kada je pozvan u njemačku vojsku. Spasio ga je njegov izum - stroj za tkanje.

Nijemci su u njemu prepoznali potencijal. Međutim, njegova životna borba zahtijevala je još suptilnije. Morao je čak uprizoriti vlastitu smrt, a roditelji su održali parastos za misu. Tada je mogao započeti novi život u Švicarskoj.

Tamo je, zajedno s prijateljem Židom, patentirao stroj za tkanje i prodao izum. Iz prosjačkog štapa tako je došao do zlata i među samom kremom. Međutim, njegov život nije bio samo na plesnom podiju, za bogato obloženim stolom, u fraku ili elegantnom automobilu i luksuznoj kući.

Svakako, obitelji nije bilo uvijek lako i on je toga bio svjestan, ali takav je način obitelji donio i mnoge prednosti. Budući da su puno putovali, uspio je omogućiti svojim kćerima prvorazredno obrazovanje i naučile su nekoliko jezika.

Najveća otkrića

Također radi za Elizabeth Arden. Za nju je stvorio sprej za parfeme, koji su kasnije kupile sve renomirane marke, uključujući Coco Chanel i Dior. Kad je Ardenu poslao sprej za parfeme koji je već bio patentiran, u povratnoj pošti dobio je avionsku kartu za Sjedinjene Države. I on je otišao.

Najviše je zaradio prskalicom, koju je prodao za 1,5 milijuna švicarskih franaka. Među njegovim omiljenim izumima je diaronic - okvir za tobogane.

Peter Florjančič nekada je bio sa svojim idejama prije vremena. Jedan od takvih primjera su zračni jastuci za automobile koje je zamislio još 1957. godine, ali automobilska industrija u to vrijeme još nije bila tehnološki spremna za ovu revolucionarnu inovaciju.

Patentirao je čak 400 proizvoda, a njih 43 doseglo je fazu proizvodnje.

Peter Florjančič doista je bio višestruki milijunaš, imao je više od 40 automobila i više od deset luksuznih kuća. Svakako, najveće bogatstvo u njegovom životu su mašta, nagon i životna radost. Možda to jednostavno nije bila samo sreća, jer sreća je na strani hrabrih. Zapravo ima nešto puno više u tim blistavim očima, gotovo savršeno glatko lice, kavalirsko držanje i dostojanstvo.

$ 1.31
$ 1.21 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @ceky321
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Written by
3 years ago


Mislim da je sada u domu starostnika.A neznamgdesu mu hcere

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Certainly, blood is not water either. Peter Florjančič's grandfather Jakob Peternel was very resourceful and also the mayor of Bled from 1895 to 1906. He was aware that Bled needed not only hotels but also communal equipment, a school, a home for the elderly, electricity, a railway station, public baths and tidy surroundings. During his time, many villas were built on the shores and in the vicinity of Lake Bled. His son Francelj was the founder of Bizjak's factory, today's Kraš, and also the holder of the highest military decorations. Peter Florjančič's uncle was also the mayor and a large landowner. Kenda helped Bled to develop into a modern tourist destination by arranging hotels, swimming pools and promenades.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

already the ancestors were very's in their blood

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Sjajna priča ,oduševljena sam.Ne trebaš biti uspešan djak da bi postao veliki.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

rekao je jednom. Izumi leže na podu...treba se samo sklonit i pobrat.

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

Jeste li znali da Slovenci u svojim redovima imaju nekoga tko je još uvijek profesionalni izumitelj u svojim 100-ima, ali bio je i vrhunski sportaš, pa čak i filmski glumac koji se družio s najfatalnijom divom svih vremena, Marlene Dietrich?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

bas tako 101 godinu ima i kaže da on od 5 ujutro do ponoči samo smišlja sta izumiti.

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

Amazing article.. Keep it up

$ 0.00
3 years ago

i'm trying to invent something lol ... but i have no idea what

$ 0.00
3 years ago

e bravo za ovo, sada tek kada provcitah clanak setio sam se tog coveka, zaista jos jedan od dragulja nauke i inzenjerstva kojeg su podarili ovi prostori

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Znas kolko je zanimljivo o njemu čitat.Čovjek nikad nije na banku novce stavljajo,nikad si nije za penziju uplačivao..kaže novac mora kruziti

$ 0.00
3 years ago