true love

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3 years ago
Topics: Love

It is said that love is blind and people are willing to sacrifice their lives. In fact many people have sacrificed their lives in the cycle of love and many such examples are found all over the world.

Hearing the interesting story of a lover here, the heart said that because you people should be aware of this young man's attempt to lose his life for his girlfriend.

I can't believe that there really are people in the world today who are willing to do anything for their love.

Mark Muradzapra, 27, is a resident of Bandura, a town in Zimbabwe, also known as the Youth Leader of Saints Church.

It was almost last month that this young man, who also belongs to a very religious family, decided to go on a continuous hunger strike for 40 days so that God would be pleased with him and a 2lac dollar "unseen reward" Give the car "Lamborghini".

Despite being unemployed, Mark wanted to give his girlfriend a new and expensive Lamborghini car worth at least 2lac dollar.

To make this impossible possible, Mark relied on his own faith to decide for himself that if he went on a hunger strike for 40 days, God would be pleased with him and reward him with a new Lamborghini "from the unseen". Will

To escape hunger and the desire for food, he went to a hill near Bandura and started drinking only water.

Due to constant hunger, he became weak. On the other hand, the people of Bandura town also started looking for him because he was seen in the church almost every day, but for four weeks no one visited the church, not even in the whole town. Had seen

After a few days of searching, he was finally found in a makeshift shelter on the mound, but by then Mark had been starving for 33 days and was half-dead.

He was rushed to a hospital where he was pronounced dead at the scene. When he regained consciousness, he told the whole story.

After hearing Mark's painful story, the poor people of Bandura raised money for him, but when they found out he wanted to buy an expensive car like the Lamborghini, the locals collected all the money, which was less than 40dollar. Mark's medical expenses were paid to the hospital.

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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Love
