Norton Anti-Virus Includes CryptoCurrency Mining as Part of Its Products

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Happily, Bitcoin is continuing its efforts to reassert its importance despite various difficulties, and a few days ago, this was great news for those who have Bitcoin.

Leading computer antivirus software company has now made Bitcoin a part of its product, opening the door to millions, not thousands.

Norton is considered one of the best anti-virus software companies in the world. According to a press release issued by Norton, users of Norton 360 will be able to access the mining feature of the cryptocurrency 'Ethereum'. However, it is not yet clear what Norton Corpto's business model will be and whether Norton will share in the revenue.

About cryptocurrency mining, the company says it is a safe and easy way to mine and is an important part of our customers' lives.

Over the years, many miners have reportedly taken risks to mine coins by disabling their security for cryptocurrencies. And it is also true that many anti-virus software, including Norton, have identified many of the most widely used mining programs as malicious programs, and users continue the mining process by disabling anti-virus programs.

If Norton implements this model, then the benefits will reach the company's millions of consumer computers, which will enter a new era of revenue. But if mining requires a lot of energy, it will also have an impact on consumers' electricity bills. However, security experts say in response to Norton's decision that "Norton is opening a door that can be very difficult to close."

"We are proud to be the first cybersecurity company to offer coin mining to its customers, allowing them to securely and easily access digital currency on their computers in their spare time," said Gigan Singh, Norton's product executive. And our customers can mine cryptocurrency with just one click. The service is initially available to long-time Norton customers today and will be rolled out over the next few weeks.

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