"Oh how far it all has fallen."
That day where the people had the freedom to choose whomever they want to entrust their lives with. That day, where they gleefully and naively thought and chose of whom to trust. That day, the people trusted their choice and believed in the man that showed himself through his thick and thin, they believed. Were they fools? Maybe they were, maybe they weren't, but what's past had passed, and what's here is here.
Were they fools? Yes. Were we fools? Yes. Were we greedy? Yes. Have they been greedy? From the very beginning. We all were. We all are.
Our worldly desires will befall upon us the end. The end that we all deserve as we play blind amongst its anguish, as we play deaf to its cries, and when will we repent? When it is the end? Fools. Fools we all are.
The freedom that we were given, the freedom to think, to choose of who shall lead us to a future we all desire, we all deserve, wasted for fools. Fools as much as us. Fools who are tempted by greed, for their lust for power and money, and at what cost?
"Oh how far it all has fallen."
At the cost of their brethrens blood? At the cost of the anguish of the people that trusted they would bring them to a future we all believed in. Only to be disappointed.
Trust? Respect? How dare they ask for such when they have foolishly published rules that would silence the critics of the people that once respected them, trusted them. How could they not open their mouths to say the wrongs they see, so it could be right. Yet it was taken so wrongly, so childishly, and the people were forced to shut their mouths for fear of damnation.
However, as their mouths are shut, the damnation they fear will only come quicker. It's footsteps heavy as it closes upon us.
"Oh how far it all has fallen."
The kings condemning their people as they were proved by the many of their innocence. Further hurting whatever is left of the false sense of freedom they gave the people.
Slowly the people will revolt, many may suffer, but many more will suffer if their tyranny continues on. Their power, used only for their own benefit, for their own use, not caring for the people that once trusted and respected them. They deserve no such thing. They have failed the people, they spoke of the truth that their eyes could see in hopes for it to be corrected, only to be shunned for their petty self interest and their damaged ego.
"Oh how far it all has fallen."