SmartBCH Can Succeed Decentralized

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1 year ago

I think it was February or January that I stopped writing about smartBCH and the tokens, when the scams had increased and many irresponsible devs were only trying to pass their stolen NFTs as valuable.

Another three months later we had the Coinflex incident with Roger Ver which is still not solved and as it seems there is no solution.

The one hundred thousand BCH Coinflex was holding guaranteeing the smartBCH bridge were frozen and held hostage by the exchange as part of the dispute.

With this, irreversable damage was made to all tokens and projects working on smartBCH.

Make It Decentralized And It Will Work

A failure is only a failure when we give up.

SmartBCH did not give up but about the decentralized bridge that was again promised we have again a problem with

I have hopes that Kui with the backs of Jihan Wu will work out something better next time but time is not a friend of SmartBCH.

A new and decentralized proposal can only be accepted and new funds will enter.

I find it difficult to gather information and smartBCH has a forum created but the forum has few news posted, with almost no new posts in October.

SmartBCH community is now almost gone and we can blame Coinflex, but it was SmartBCH that allowed this to happen by handing all control of the funds to Coinflex.

Mistakes can be made by all, and maybe Coinflex having the bridge was seen as the only way when smartbCH was getting online.

It should be a reminder to all about centralization in any of the segments of a blockchain, either this is a bridge, or the validators, or the miners.

The community of BCH is correct when it draws a line when it comes to decentralization because the alternative is to put trust in people or institutions when we are all fighting for trustless digital currencies.

Now, this is what this post is about, no trust, but a verifiable decentralized system.


For Bitcoin Cash developments are underway for the expansion of smart contracts and the application of a platform-model tokenization on the Bitcoin Cash blockchain a work named Cash Tokens.

Developers explore possibilities and perform code changes with hard forks as all networks proceed with upgrades either scalability or to improve the services the blockchain offers.

SmartBCH can succeed with decentralization, and it was promising it will. It has covered 75% of the coinflex losses from donations, so, probably, it can work with its promises.

Everyone will love to see new developments and mistakes of the past solved and working again.

$ 1.25
$ 1.21 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.02 from @SuperJulalaine
$ 0.02 from @BlueFlipper
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1 year ago


You're back! Welcome. Using Coinflex was smooth and is there any hope or update that they are fine with smartbch again? I'm outdated with smartbch.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hello, again. I have not tried to read anything from coinflex. I have not visited my account and I held some BCH and flexusd there but it wasn't much and I have lost hope I will take it back. I don't think coinflex will survive and if it does it will not find any that want to trade there.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Sad with it's good service before. May the grace be with whoever has the best intentions about it.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It had no doubt sBCH can succeeded as decentralized project. It had distinction in low fee and fast transaction rate.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes. It was better than many. Very fast and the cost was very low.

$ 0.00
1 year ago