Life is giving a complex set of problems to us with the assurance that if you solve this then you will reach wherever you want to reach. After you solve one problem then you get a relative peace until the next one crop up. And so, life goes on solving one or the other problem with the expectation that the golden goodie is at the end of all this.
The first one comes in our childhood and that is education because solving the education problem will lead to a good job. Then you get a job which solves the problem of money which is required to live the life the way you want to live. But a single job won’t solve your problem because as you grow up you need more money so you keep changing jobs for increased salary. Then you feel like having a life companion so you look for someone whom you think is the right choice for you and then you marry her. Then you think that you need children and so you have them. Then you keep saving money so that once you retire then you have a comfortable life and enough to cover your medical expenses. Then you think you have achieved everything in life but when you look back you feel you have missed something. You wish you could have done better.
These problems which the life threw at you were the stepping stones to a brighter future- that’s what you thought. Same is with the other things in life. You want to have peace of mind. But to have peace of mind you need to accept that you lack peace of mind, if you want to end your inner conflict then you have to accept that there is a conflict within you. Once you accept that you lack peace of mind or you want to end the inner conflict then you have a desire to do it. But the more you try to end those more you stir them up. This is because you think that you need to solve these to achieve what is beyond it. The end result is that you expect that after solving this you will achieve something. In this process we stop enjoying the journey and just focus on the end result.
But life is not about the journey or the end result of it. It is about enjoying everything that life throws at you. Say for example swimming. If you love swimming then to reach from one end of the pool to the other end is not your aim, your aim is to enjoy the splash of water against your body, the strokes you make, the floating sensation. Once your focus is to reach the other end then you stop enjoying the other things. So in case of life also, it is not about a journey from one stage to another but enjoying the moments within it. If we look to find joy at the end then it will never come unless we find the joy all along. Another example is that of a road, the road is not the destination but the road will take you to a destination. The road doesn’t end at your destination but goes on, it is your choice what you choose as your destination.
Our life is dictated by the economy of wealth which is based on the concept of scarcity. While the economy of nature is based on the concept of abundance, There are way more sperms than that we require, there are way more plants and animals than that we require, there are many more stars and galaxy than that we require. Nature and life is way more abundant without any scarcity. That golden goodie which we desire is not beyond that abundance, but within it. We are so used to the concept of scarcity that we forget that we not in a queue for that golden goodie, we are in the midst of that golden goodie but we just don’t see it.
Thank you Telesfor sir.