Why Do You want To Blog?

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Avatar for angelofdeath
3 years ago

One of the things that motivates me so I want to blog is so that I can get to know the public, because at first my knowledge of blogging was a way for you to become famous or pay attention but later I realized that it was a big thing. turn out to be a blogger. It's as if you own a television channel and you take care of what programs you broadcast.

What you read on my blog is really me, unpretentious and if there is maybe a very big one at 10%, I really like to share advice with friends, acquaintances and even so-called “strangers” and that advice is not just “pie in the sky” advice but I care that they are 95% true, effective and realistic, of course when you blog you should write what you really like and what do you really want to make the blogsite authentic?

So that's it so I blog is for FUN and to feed a positive advice for effective living with our neighbors and even myself.

What do I get out of it?

Suddenly, I don't see anything I can gain from blogging because after all, it's just a lot of work for me, because you make fun of me when I write, I should make sure that what I write really helps my neighbor, the type that should can give strength, hope, love and most of all should be based on my real life the article will be published, because if I should not just throw away the article I am writing, that just means I made I spend an article on time, sometimes there is even a possibility that it will cause my problem at work because I do the rest when it comes to article in office work hours (that was before I was promoted) sometimes instead of just resting eh eto't thinking and writing and there is even a chance that I am searching for sandamak-mak if books just to see in a book the meaning of a word to make sure that what I am writing is really that really means, especially when it comes to terminology, there are times when I really look for a book maala dictionary especially and the Software Dictionary does not mean the word if searched. Suddenly you HAVE NOTHING TO BLESS IN BLOBLOGING

But if you look closely and open your mind you will see and you will know that blogging can also be profitable but I am sorry that I do not have much in-depth knowledge there so I will not discuss in this article.

Apart from money, you also have the benefit of blogging and this is how you help others. I don't know but nowadays looking for advice or advice is not only available to your parents, friends, teachers or church members but also on the internet you can also gather advice or advice, of course you have to be smart and weigh carefully the advice read before it is followed. But whether we admit it or not sometimes on the internet we even get effective and unadulterated superstition answers right? In internet forums and blogs or in search engines you will know the things you want to know and the beauty of our Filipinos we are open to comments from their comments or advice you can come up with a decision or idea how solve or deal with the problem or change taking place in your life. The blogsite if it is one of the sayings when giving comments about things in life and as I said you weigh the comments you read or advice and even the articles written on the blogsite this, because its main purpose is not to alter your beliefs but to expand and empower.

I have not yet been able to answer the question of what I get other than money but here I am and I will answer. What I am blessed with is having THE OPPORTUNITY TO HELP… Yes, that's it! I don't know if you have experienced the moments in your life where you gave someone advice and you just found out after a while you heard that he achieved what he wanted in life or maybe he became succussful and you found out that is because he did what you advised, doesn't it seem like you were successful then and it feels good? This is how I feel when I blog, especially when I receive responses, I feel in some way I also helped. It is difficult to say that anyone who reads my blog succeeds or improves because when he reads I wrote but otherwise there is no issue for me as long as the important thing is that he improves I am happy there. Right now that is what can be said if you benefit from blogging, having the opportunity to help others, in any way as long as you feel you can help, maybe you can help.

Does it help my life and the lives of others?

In terms of money, in my own experience I do not have any money (for now) but in terms of spiritual, emotionaly and being a valueble person it can be said that there are many benefits not only to yourself but to your neighbor.

Is blogging a responsibility?

This question is tricky, blogging is a great hobby and it is tempting to admit that it is your responsibility to publish articles that are funny or give hope and strength but remember that you should be a "joyful giver". Sometimes artists who become famous become the main focus of earning money and they are defocused on their origin and the source I am referring to is their goal so they do what they do that is to have some fun and to do what they want and that is their art. Because if artist the artist himself does not suffer and later on he may collapse literally or his career. In short it should be balanced, but I also want to remind you that you can still quit if you think you no longer feel like doing what you are currently doing and just come back if you think you are on the groove again.

Finally if message. For me blogging is a big thing not only to connect with other people I know and do not know but also myself because writing is a way for you to get to know yourself and correct what you think is wrong or the ones you discovered are right. If you are a writer you know sometimes every time you write you have thoughts that you know will not cross your mind if you do not do writing, and from what you know it helps you to make smarter decisions about your lives.

When I return to the blog, I invite you to visit rockyrivera.wordpress.com again and please try to blog as well.

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Avatar for angelofdeath
3 years ago
