I'm sure you've heard the tag line "Just do it!" of Nike, in my previous readings, the tag line wanted to inform you that you can overcome your personal fear of failure. Like me before, many of us have "Perfectionism Syndrome" when I call it. Does he not want anyone to hear unpleasant comments when he makes or chooses a crucial decision in life, and if he hears something that disagrees he must have a good answer to defend himself and convince those who do not agreeing person that did the right thing.
There is no issue of carefully planning our plans in life, it is not forbidden if we want our activities to be polished and there is nothing wrong with seeking “perfect” results.
It doesn't matter that the pursuit of a PERFECT RESULT is not only good when it becomes an OBSTACLE WHEN YOU HAVE A RESULT.
Is it that you have almost no finish or start work because you are irritated or worried that "MAYBE" the process will not be smooth or perfect or you may regret the fatigue and time spent because the result may just be a flawed result that you have labored for. When your situation is like this or you feel overwhelmed by the desire to be perfect, you stress your mind and instead of focusing your attention on your own intentions you turn to what others have to say. If you use the opinion of others as a basis, you are making yourself difficult to be successful and happy. It is easy to be happy and successful in life, we are the only ones who make it competitive. That's what you want edi to do, that's how people are happy, but the problem is when we follow the vague basis that other people set. For example, you will be happy and you will be a successful person if you can buy _____ or you will be a successful person when you graduate with a ______ title and you will be happy when you have _________. But honestly, even if you don't have any possessions, we can be happy or successful. Just being alive and having tools or equipment like this computer and internet connection are reasons we should be happy, being able to post inspirational messages on your facebook wall and inspire other people, can't you? consider that on your success list? What is the purpose of doctors, engineers, police, lawyers and nurses etc. not to enhance quality of life? Isn’t inspiring others is also enhacing quality of others life?
Personally I was one of the struglling writers before, he was active in writing and publishing articles but suddenly disappeared from circulation. Some people say wrtiers block but in my case that is not the reason but that is my perfectionism syndrome, I can draft a lot of articles but I can not post because I am curious that something may be wrong or the delivery may not be My readership can't pick up what they want if they can pick-up a message. Like I said before, it's okay to seek a polished and perfect result but just don't get to the point where you're blocking your results, and that's what happened to me before, my perfectionism syndrome blocked me -the ones that come out as articles, until now I have realized why I am preventing this perfectionism syndrome? So I said to myself
AS LONG AS YOU JUST DO THIS and I already have a finished article and I will publish it directly on my blogsite.
JUST DO THIS and I will write the three articles for MY TWO THUMBS-UP
JUST DO IT and I'm starting my new rap song that I composed the beats.
JUST DO IT and I searched my laptop for pending projects that can be completed or renovated.
Forget DO YOUR BEST! Because that is sometimes the symptom of PERFECTIONISM SYNDROME that BEST, instead of focusing on the BEST, focus on DO IT first! DO IT! DO IT! ………………… .JUST DO IT
Great one