Obscure Sorrow

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2 years ago

In the dancing fields of barley, Thomas and Alice are running blissfully while holding each other’s hands. Stunned by the beauty of Alice as the wind blows her golden hair, Thomas smiled and quietly talked to himself.

“This feels like a dream… I do not want it to end.”

The year is 1405, 11-year-old Alice and 12-year-old Thomas are peacefully living in a small village of Clovelly in the south-west part of England. Their parents are farmers thus making them start their day on the field together.

Despite being young, Alice was able to recognize her feelings for Thomas. Days of thinking has passed and she finally decided to confess her feelings to him.

“Can we eat our lunch today at that lonely tree on the hill, Thomas?”

“Of course.”

He sighed. “We better finish this early”

Under the oak tree, both of them are eating their lunches with satisfaction on their faces as the windy afternoon brings a relaxing atmosphere. Accompanied by a great view of the sea, Alice finally mustered up the strength she needs.


“What is it, Alice?”


“What’s the problem? It looks like you’re going to cry?” Thomas said while laughing.

“I want you to marry me.”

Thomas was surprised and does not know what to say. Both of them were filled with silence for minutes but he managed to talk back knowing that he also has feelings for Alice. They spend their whole afternoon on the hill while talking idealistically about their future.

“I want many kids and a big house, Thomas!”

“umm…I want many horses for each of us, a large field of barley…”

(After several hours)

The sun is already beyond the horizon and the two of them went home with smiles on their faces.

The night has passed and another day for Thomas and Alice has begun. They decided on that day to eat their lunches near the cliff.

“When we have our own family, I want to bring them here so that they can see what we can see.” Alice said while dancing gracefully.

But on that fateful day, Alice was standing on the portion of the cliff that was only seconds away from being swallowed by the sea. The ground started to crack and Alice fell along with the debris but Thomas managed to grab her hand. He is crying for he’s aware that he does not have enough strength to pull Alice.


“Thomas, I love you. I want to fulfill our promise, I want to have a future with you but it looks like we are not going to make it.”

“Don’t say that!”

“I’m glad that I was born, that I met you, that I am able to say I love you… Do not forget me, Thomas.”

Her hand slipped away from his grip. Thomas watched the sea as it snatched the life of Alice. He is mixed with emotions and thoughts. He wants to jump, he wants to scream, he wants to cry, he wants to see Alice once again.

Thomas woke up with tears flowing from his eyes. Her mother asked what happened as she opens the window to let some fresh air in.

“It’s nothing, mom.”

“then go ahead and make your bed… do not make the breakfast wait.”

(A whole day has passed)

Thomas was on their rooftop, pondering about the dream he had earlier that day while staring at the sky. His dream was so vivid that it kept haunting him, it felt like Alice was someone real and important to him. Tears flowed again as he remembers those days he had with Alice, an illusion he does not want to recognize as one.

“What if I was born in a different place, in a different time, would I be able to meet someone named Alice?”

“What if Alice was real and she’s someone I loved in my past life?”

He is a Christian and does not believe in reincarnation but somehow, his experience was able to make him ask that kind question.

He sighed “I do not understand this sorrow at all, it’s depressing and wonderful at the same time.”

“There are things we still don’t understand about the universe. Reality seems to be far away from illusion but no, there’s only a thin line between them.”

(After 1 hour)

Before sleeping, Thomas sincerely asked God to make him meet Alice once again even knowing that she is only an illusion, someone that does not exist.

He never met Alice again.


Thomas decided to write about his experience as he wants to share the obscure sorrow that once lingered in his nights.

Thomas decided to start a journey in pursuit of unknown emotions.

Thomas is me.

"Some days you will feel sad without knowing why. Like you lost something very precious but forgot what it was, or like miss someone you never met."

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Avatar for anemoya
2 years ago
