A Report from the General Elections Supervisory Agency for the Period 2017 to 2022
Bawaslu Listens
At the beginning of the leadership of Bawaslu for the 2017-2022 period, Bawaslu began by opening the widest possible space for election-related parties to provide input to Bawaslu for the next five years. In various ways and activities, Bawaslu receives criticism and input to determine the initial steps in conducting election supervision. By inviting various parties, Bawaslu receives input related to organizational arrangements, supervision, enforcement, dispute resolution, and socialization. There are a number of inputs from various parties that have contributed greatly to the determination of Bawaslu's strategic steps in the future.
Bawaslu Calls
"Bawaslu's heavy work will take place soon, namely the implementation of the 2018 Regional Head Election and the 2019 Presidential Election. We, Bawaslu, call on all the nation's children and elements of society, whether community leaders, religious leaders, academics, to be part of the election supervisory board, together with us, to maintain quality elections by involving all parties. elements of the community," said Member of the General Elections Supervisory Body of the Republic of Indonesia (Bawaslu RI), Mochammad Afiffudin in his opening remarks on the Socialization of Participatory Election Supervision for Religious Leaders, Community Leaders and Beginner Voters, Sunday (11/6/2017).
Master in Election Science
Based on the evaluation and analysis in the implementation of the Legislative Election and the Presidential Election, Bawaslu found weaknesses, one of which came from the unpreparedness of the election organizers. Therefore, Bawaslu together with the KPU, which had already built this understanding, saw the importance of preparing election organizers as early as possible.
Participants in the postgraduate education program (S2) on election management are planned to open only the election administrators for the first stage as a priority, both in terms of backing up facilities and infrastructure, including the budget for Bawaslu staff first. Furthermore, opportunities will also remain open to the general public. It is hoped that the participants of the education program who graduate are truly qualified to become election organizers.
Bawaslu Award
The Bawaslu Award is an award and honor for the achievements and hard work of election supervisors in Indonesia as well as individuals and organizations who have made significant contributions and good performance in the implementation of election supervision. The evaluation of the Bawaslu Award is carried out by an External Panel Team consisting of election activists. The Bawaslu Award has been held five times since 2014. It should be noted that the panel team evaluates the nominations based on the assessment system, the formulation of criteria, and indicators as well as the assessment method that has been designed and agreed upon. This is in order to produce a level of accuracy in the assessment of the nominees. After conducting a series of assessments, the Panel Team will recommend several names to the Bawaslu leadership to be nominated for the Bawaslu Award and selected as winners through a plenary forum.
Election Administration Session
In the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections (Election Law), the Bawaslu, Provincial Bawaslu, and Regency/City Bawaslu institutions are authorized to carry out the function of resolving election administrative violations, the process of which is carried out through adjudication. In resolving election administrative violations, Bawaslu, Provincial Bawaslu, and Regency/Municipal Bawaslu are authorized to receive, examine, review, and decide on election administrative violations (Election Law Article 461 paragraph 1). In the event of an election administrative violation as referred to in Article 460 that occurs in a structured, systematic and massive manner, Bawaslu receives, examines, and recommends an election administrative violation within a maximum period of 14 (fourteen) working days (Election Law Article 463 paragraph 1) . The objects of election administrative violations are of two kinds, namely: first, election administrative violations; and second, election administrative violations that occurred in a structured, systematic and massive manner. Election administrative violations include violations of procedures, procedures, or mechanisms related to the administration of the implementation of the General Election in every stage of Election Administration, which does not include election crimes and violations of the code of ethics (Election Law Article 460).
Mediator Training
Mediator Training Bawaslu member Rahmat Bagja stated that the leadership of the Provincial Bawaslu and Regency/Municipal Bawaslu must continue to learn to be a certified mediator of dispute resolution in the election process and in the regional head elections. According to him, mediation has techniques that must be explored, one of which is negotiating. Bagja gave an example if Bawaslu was given two days for mediation, then that time was used to complete the negotiations. After completion, he continued, regional Bawaslu leaders can make decisions as long as they don't conflict with statutory regulations. The coordinator of the Bawaslu Dispute Resolution Division explained that mediation is a combination of legal and practical substance in law. According to him, it is important if the members of the Provincial Bawaslu and Regency/City Bawaslu can learn about the substance because the practice has already been carried out.
Law Enforcement Debate Competition for Higher Education in Indonesia
Bawaslu held a debate competition on election law enforcement which was participated by students from 35 universities (PT) throughout Indonesia which were divided into 30 state universities and 5 private universities. The competition was held from Saturday to Monday (14-16 December 2019) in Ancol, North Jakarta. Bawaslu chairman Abhan said the debate competition was a space for students to express their ideas related to elections. "Through this debate competition event, younger students and female students as debate participants are given the space to convey their ideas related to elections, especially regarding election law enforcement. All of this is done with the intention of advancing the life of the nation," he said when giving a speech at the Debate Competition. Law Enforcement for Elections for Higher Education in Indonesia in Jakarta, Saturday (14/12/2019)
Bawaslu member Ratna Dewi Pettalolo explained that debate participants always follow the development of information and news about the implementation of elections. According to him, this makes students in a short time able to prepare materials that are mixed in legal knowledge, election data, and in particular the performance of Bawaslu. Dewi hopes that the election debate competition will become an annual event held by Bawaslu. Especially in the debate, there are many things that can be used as input for Bawaslu from the bright ideas of students.
Election Covid Task Force
The 2020 Deputy Regent Election took place in the midst of the Covid 19 pandemic, and is currently entering the Campaign Stage, as well as the ongoing stage of updating the Voter Data. The results of the supervision of the Bantul Regency Bawaslu are related to activities, both campaign and non-campaign activities, and this is more likely due to the presence of some members of the community who do not comply with the Covid 19 prevention health protocol. formed the Covid 19 Prevention Working Group (Pokja).
The formation of this covid prevention working group is a follow-up to the Republic of Indonesia Bawaslu Letter Number 0561 that the Bawaslu at the Regency/City level is asked to form a Covid 19 Prevention Working Group.
The legal basis for the formation of the Covid-19 prevention working group includes the Election Law, Perbawaslu, KPU Regulations, and other laws such as the Health Quarantine Law, the Law on infectious disease outbreaks and general criminal matters, as well as using other regulatory references such as Regulations. Regent Number 79 of 2020.