ToDo lists - organize your work

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3 years ago
Topics: Goals, Personal

Busy people often have a lot of tasks to do. Sometimes the real issue is not the work itself, but handling what needs to be done. If we lose the control over our tasks, we will end forgetting something important.

One way of controlling our tasks is to create a task list, also known as ToDo lists. Is a simple framework for organizing your work, you can also use it without needing any technology: a simple paper and pen is sufficient.

Creating your ToDo list

To create a ToDo list, start by thinking on everything that needs to be done. Then you will need to break each situation into small, easily achievable steps. I will give you an example: let's say you want to fix your car. Instead of putting on your list a single task "Fix my car", you should break it down into smaller steps. Why? Because the goal is generic and too broad, letting you demotivated by not achieving it timely.

So, in let's make a better ToDo list to fix your car. I will give you an example:

  • Buy oil

  • Fix air filter leak

  • Increase radiator water level

Any of these steps is small and easily achievable. This way you can do each step and keep on doing each task one by one until you reach your final goal of getting your car fixed.

Prioritize what is important

Adding tasks to your list is the easy part. But if you don't keep control over your list, it will end growing indefinitely, demotivating you. It is also important to understand what needs to be done first, and if there is any order for your tasks. For this, you two basic options: prioritizing tasks and adding a a time due. Let's to that do our previous example:

  • Buy oil [Medium; Tomorrow]

  • Fix air filter leak [High]

  • Increase radiator water level [Today]

By using due dates and priorities, we can now reorganize our list to see what needs to be done first:

  • Fix air filter leak [High]

  • Increase radiator water level [Today]

  • Buy oil [Medium; Tomorrow]

Add something extra (or not)

There are several elements you can add to your tasks to give more context. One of these elements is to use hashtags to group tasks with a similar place or action (for example, #tobuy, so you know that is something you need to exchange your BCH for). You can also create several ToDo lists and group them into a project if you are working on something bigger and with longer due dates.

The way you organize your ToDo list is really up to you. You will be the person which will use it to achieve goals. You want to get work done and not having more work by endlessly caring your list. Keep it simple, goal oriented and you will see that your focus on what is important will improve, so achieving what is important to you will be easier.

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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Goals, Personal
