1 Year After I discovered Cryptocurrencies (an insight from a homeless human)

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Avatar for amorvitalis
2 years ago

It was August of 2020, mid pandemic, when I decided to check what was all the fuzz with bitcoin and cryptocurrencies.

At the time I was homeless and I had to ask for donations to rent a cheap room for the winter.

While everyone around me was worried about the paper money, obtaining an eight hour job and buying a car, I was ready for something else. And discovering crypto made that “something else” possible.

My discovery of crypto was accidental. I downloaded Brave Browser and used it for some months on a mobile phone, but I never paid attention to the BAT Token. After doing some research I realized I was earning some sort of money, and the lights turned on signaling a new path to prosperity… at last!

At that point in time, projects like Steemit, LBRY, Publish0x and others were common on the space, indeed very acclaimed services to earn crypto, and I singed up in all their websites. Suddenly I had access to crypto from many sources, but there was still a lot of learning to do.

Let’s be honest here, in the first months, the prospect of a cryptofortune (as little and helpful as it could turn out to be) was very far away from my field of vision. I wondered how I could earn a big bunch of crypto by depending on faucets, PtC’s and airdrops, and there was no optimistic answer.

The first months were all faucets, study, learning and getting there slowly and bit by bit.

Suddenly, in September, I found out about some Universal Basic Income projects like Good Dollar, Proof of Humanity and Circles. Was there a real chance that common humans with no money or financial prosperity could grab a bite of the financial pie of the world?

I decided to apply as a Content Creator for GoodDollar, a project for which I worked for only three days (the pay was relatively good, I earned some 130USD). Realizing that my thing was not working in IT, Customer Service or mainly doing data stuff for other people, I resigned and abandoned the job, really happy to meet the team and learning more about the project.

October of 2020, I have earned some LTC from LTCMiner.com (clearly a scam, but gave away some litoshis, so I received them happily). Also I earned my first LBC from watching content on LBRY and some cloud mining services which obviously turned out to be scams also gave me some DOGE and LTC as well. Not enough to pay a coffee, but I was optimistic, cause at least some magical internet money was coming to my wallets.

From October to January I was a happy noob falling for all sorts of scams, data harvesting and useless token airdrops. Crypto was a jungle, and I was going to become a lion, or at least a humble jaguar. To become a feline (with all the senses active and alert) I had to study much more than a couple of youtubers trying to get referrals, so I delved deep into projects, read their roadmaps, whitepapers and I started 2021 knowing much more about crypto than even the most experienced of my friends and acquaintances knew. I was suddenly starting to be known in the hood as a crypto-savvy. Awesome. But I became homeless again. My fiat money reserves from contributions and donations were depleted and I bravely abandoned my beloved rented room and returned to the inhospitable streets of the city.

Since January to today, I am studying projects much more seriously, paying attention to the developers, the communities and creators of the projects. At first, all crypto projects were a sudden promise of wealth, and it took a lot of experience and time to realize which projects I really wanted to support and pay attention to. And there just a few.

Suddenly, faucets, PtC’s, airdrops and all those kinds of magical promises were not important to me anymore. I was researching the markets, volatilities, price charts, I suddenly had a watchlist on CoinMarketCap, and whenever I chatted with someone on the streets about crypto, I was the one giving advice (never financial advice) and knowledge. My brain and crypto go well together, I can say.

Up until June, I still did not realize the ammount of little wealth that I had in my virtual hands, so I will share with you the solid sources of this prosperity.

I opened an account on Minds in the beginnings of 2019 without ever knowing about crypto, but mainly because of the promised of a censorship free decentralized social network. A post I did with some art got some 10 tokens which now (I checked my Minds account today after almost 2 years to start using it fully once and for all). Today, August 20 of 2021 those tokens have an approximate value of 28 dollars. Neat. It is seriously magical internet money.

So I started checking other services and accounts I signed up for but forgot, LBRY being one of those. Holy cow! I had like 15 USD in LBRY! From ZERO to thirtysomething USD in some months and without doing anything at all?

That got me thinking… Why am I still using Youtube? I should start a LBRY channel ASAP!

Minds, LBRY, solid projects, and to my surprise, they made real earnings for me.

Also I remembered that I took part in an Airdrop in 2020. Helium gave away 1 HNT token to airdrop participants.

Because I don’t trust centralized exchanges, I transferred the HNT to a Helium Wallet, and the 1 HNT turned into 0,95 HNT because of the 0,05 HNT fee that the chinese exchange deducted from my balance. To this day, those 0,95 HNT are equal to approximately 27 USD. Nice.

Was there something else? Oh yes… My research lead me to Santiago Siri, an Argentinian blockchain expert with more than a decade of experience in the field who decided to help his people with a Universal Basic Income. To obtain the income, one has to upload a Proof of Humanity. Revolutionary concept and a solid and altruistic community makes everything sweet and promising. Enter the UBI token! It is a worlwide project, so go check it out and start earning some real money.

I signed up in July and the community crowdfunded my profile. Suddenly I had my first Universal Basic Income, some 720 UBI per month, approximate value 30USD at this time August 20 of 2021.

I will be honest with you, I know and see how things are changing, I am also a visionary, and since August 2020 to this day I had made a commitment that I would never find a job again. I would solely dedicate myself to study crypto, earn crypto and create content about and for crypto. Do I have a plan to make a magical internet money fortune appear in my virtual pockets?

Yes indeed.

Months ago I discovered NFT’s, and that is a world in on itself.

I could mint my music, drawings, my magic tricks and fiction writings easily.

Because I have learned how to do music, write and do awesome magic tricks, I decided that these forms of art will earn my income for the years to come. WHUT? Am I choosing what I want to do with my life with certainty? Yes I am. And this is the main message of this text that you are reading. That 2021 is a once in a lifetime opportunity to reclaim your human sovereignty, own your financial future and prepare the road for a wealthy life for you and your loved ones.

With commonplace and standard financial and work systems, debt, slavery, lose of time and health are a constant. I am no one special, just another human, but I want to claim my right to do with my time as I want, and I have the dream of a lifetime, earn my food and shelter with art. And now that is possible.

There is still a lot of work to do. I have the basics, the tools, the keys to open the doors of success and wealth, and it is up to me now to mix all the colours on the palette to be able to draw the life of my dreams on the canvas of destiny.

1 year in crypto and blockchain, and I can rest assured that eventually I will have all the resources I need to have a comfortable, healthy and exciting life.

Regarding the plan to earn my living with crypto, it is pretty simple. USE MY VOICE. My real and virtual voice. History and technology are giving us a chance to express our thoughts, creations and ideas and be rewarded for doing so. I will write posts like this, make music, create magic tricks and paint, and if everything goes accordingly to my most basic and humble expectations, MY VOICE, my expression, my uniqueness, my talents, my essence will help me elevate my standard of living. Minds is from now on my go to social network, OpenSea will be the marketplace for my music, and I still did not research all the other available possibilities to publish my content and be rewarded for it.

In conclusion. It was 1 year…

1 year of intense discovery, contemplation and patience.

1 year of a promising future for me and the humans of this Earth.

1 year of hopes that might soon become a reality.

DYOR, don’t FOMO nor FUD and HOdL if you can.

Until the next post!


Tools that gave me my first virtual income:



Proof of Humanity - UBI

Brave Browser - BAT Token

Helium (through an airdrop, but I encourage you to help the IoT with their miners and start earning some magic internet money soon)


$ 0.05
$ 0.05 from @willow.willow.willow
Avatar for amorvitalis
2 years ago
