My experience in

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Avatar for aminul
Written by
4 years ago

Hi everyone, my name is @aminul I am from Bangladesh. I have joined this amazing platform before 2-3 week, I knew about read. cash by one of my Facebook friends. She also likes my sister. I know many things from her. So I want to thank her. When I joined first time. I don't know how to work here.

So I can't do anything in the first week. Then I asked my Facebook friend (sister) how to work here tell me details. She tells me everything. Then I started my journey properly, I am also weak in English. But I try to read and write more and more. It's helped me very much. @Read.Cash helps me a lot to learning and earning. Thank you so much.

I started to write something but I can't find any topic. Then I got an idea. I find a topic and my first article on My first article has about fruit Lychee. And published it .But I have no subscriber so I can't any like comment or not any upvote. So then I fell upset.

After that I started to subscribe others and comment on them. Some of them also subscribe to me. Then I got some likes and comments also. I enjoyed it. I started writing articles again. And I got many support. It's encouraged me.

I write an article after 2 or 3 days . so my earning not so good. I can't find any topic. So I ask question to me .what I write? Then I got an idea it was I can write about mobile photography. Because I like it very much and I have some photos which I captured by using my smartphone.

Then I started to write about a new topic. The topic title was my mobile photography. I write something and add some photos which I captured by using my mobile phone . When I published it I got many likes and positive comments. It was inspired me very much. And I got my first upvote from @Telesfor. I was surprised and also encouraged and he give me some suggestions too. Thank you @Telesfor for supporting me. I hope it keeps it up.

Many people enjoyed my article also my photos. And request me to write another article about mobile photography and share some of my photos. I accepted their request and started writing another article. I take time to completed my article and also add some photos and then I published my second mobile photography article.

I got lot of support in this article. And I got two upvotes also. The first one I got from @Read.Cash and the second one I got from @Cain thank you so much to support me. In this corona pandemic its helps me lot. Thank you for this amazing work.

I always try to write my own thoughts and original article. Try to write more articles. is an amazing platform to me. I hope not only me but also all the people who joined this awesome place.

When I write down this article(my experience in ) I am so much ill.😪 So everyone please pray for me.

Thank you authority to make this beautiful place.

I hope everyone support me.

Stay safe.

God bless you all.

$ 0.04
$ 0.04 from @prottasitojibon
Avatar for aminul
Written by
4 years ago


Wow very nice I am new here to so I pray I am qualified to match the site

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you so much for support me. Welcome to this amazing platform. You try your best to write a good article.

$ 0.00
4 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago is such a brilliant site. I work here in just 1 week. I learn many things from this site. It is not only earning site but also learning site. It's very helpful also.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I joined 3-4 week ago. But knew here many thinks also i earn some money. Now are so strict for spammer and cheater. Always try to write original content. Thank you

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Wow your read cash site experience to good ......I really like this post..this post most important for every read cash users... thanks for sharing your experience...

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you for reading my article. I hope It's inspire me and help to go ahead. Try to write original article you can be reworded.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I am new on this site. So your experience inspire me to go ahead.

$ 0.00
4 years ago i an amazing site. I hope you already know it. Here you can earn some money also you can learn many Think. But It's an important matter that don’t publish any copy article here.

$ 0.00
4 years ago