Use your time effectively to achieve success
Time management has an important place in all our lives. Being able to manage your time effectively is actually one of the habits that you acquire at an early age. In other words, the earlier you learn how to use your time effectively, the more likely it is that you will be able to apply it and be successful later in life. How about starting today?
Trying to keep everything in mind may not be a very effective method. That's why successful people often use calendars and organizers. For example, Google calendar can be a good start for you. Not only is it open to everyone, but it also reminds you of important meetings and tasks by sending you an e-mail in advance when you write them down.
Creating a to-do list is vital for time management. You can even start with the backs of used papers. Of course, it is much better to have a notebook dedicated just for this purpose.
Cutting sleep to have more fun or to work is a short-term strategy. If you adopt this strategy from your 20s onwards, you will have a harder time in the future. If you are tired, you can get less done in more time during the day. So you need to respect the sleep time your body needs.
Weekly planning is critical for time management. The concept of weekly planning comes from David Allen, author of Getting Things Done. You can do weekly planning by following the steps below:
Look at last week's schedule and next week's schedule together. Review meetings, tasks and list the tasks that need special attention.
Review your emails.
Review your yearly plans and list your tasks for the coming week that are in line with these goals.
This exercise will help you to put things in a more organized order and avoid surprises.
You may have a standard working time of 8 hours each day, but the amount of time you work productively is actually lower. The rest of the day may be spent answering emails, attending meetings and other tasks. The most important thing is to put the most serious work at the earliest time in the morning. This way you can get it done during the day without getting tired.
Trying to do two things at the same time is usually a waste of time. Instead, if you focus on just one task, you can be more productive.
Many companies now require their employees to come up with creative ideas. Of course, it is not easy to come up with these creative ideas that will attract customers. Another problem is trying to find time during the day to think about it. However, with an hour to spare, you can do this brainstorming.
Successful completion of big projects depends on good time management. You can achieve success by breaking the project into pieces and doing certain tasks in certain time frames.
When your shift starts, you can add a lot of work to your list. However, it may not be possible to accomplish all of them due to unplanned phone calls, requests from the boss and prolonged work commitments. Instead, pick your top 3 most important tasks and try to get them done. If you have time, you can take care of other things you have in mind.
Effective work allocation is one of the most important characteristics of successful managers. If you distribute work well among your subordinates, you can focus on your own work. A good way to delegate effectively is to define the work, explain what needs to be done to the person you are assigning the work to and ask for regular updates.
Admit your mistakes and keep doing your job. Trying to cover up mistakes is something that takes up everyone's time in life. If you accept your mistakes, you can go further in life.
Motivate yourself to achieve your goals. Just planning things does not mean that you will achieve them. Often you need a little motivation to make it happen. You can use self-suggestions to do this. In this way, plans will be realized.
Time is real money :)