Bitcoin Cash and the Pakistani Youth

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3 years ago

Awareness of Youth

Pakistan is considered the fifth largest country which contains youth. about 63 percent of the population of Pakistan compromises youth. Pakistani Youth always try to seek technology that is beneficial for their means. Youth always try to gain valuable information to have a better life.

Current Situation of BCH in Pakistan

Awareness of BCH and its valuable insights and knowledge is rapidly increasing in 2021 in Pakistan. Nowadays BCH and its information is a Hot topic in the discussion of Pakistani Youth. It is not wrong to say that in the upcoming days, every young person talk about Bitcoin Cash and this is amazing

We can't imagine the enormous Positive and Huge impact of more than 100 million Youth which wants to thrive to highest peak of Success. All they need is medium to express their hidden skills.


We all know that in the world of digitalization and transaction how much ease bitcoin cash provides us. Bitcoin Cash also solves scalability issues which is serious afflict in Bitcoin which made it an investment currency instead of a transaction currency. Bitcoin could not have capabilty to handle an increase in the number of transactions that were being processed. This is due mainly to the fact that Bitcoin’s block size is limited to 1MB. besides all these facts the story ends here no one has been able to gain as much credibility as Bitcoin Cash has served the digital world.

Supporting Bitcoin Cash in Pakistan

Bitcoin Cash is nowdays are trending topics in Pakistan specially in Young people. Youth is contributing in those societies which talk about Bitcoin Cash. Many influential personalities of Pakistan trying to push Youth towards Learning and Exploring about Bitcoin Cash so they create a positive digital impact on society. Waqar Zaka, Great Muhammad Ali and Osama Kalar are the leading influencers of Bitcoin Cash in Pakistan. They arre motivating Youth to explore this Hidden Treasure of Bitcoin Cash.

Future of Bitcoin Cash in Pakistan

As i mentioned above all the situation and awakening of Bitcoin Cash in Pakistan.Due to Pandemic situation everyone is trying to gain maximum amount of productivity.

With no doubts, Youth of Pakistan will create win win situation in this platform to benefit people in a beautiful manner.

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3 years ago
