Will Crypto Ever Recover Again?

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A lot has happened around the world, and we all know how it affects everything that we're experiencing right now. May it be the never ending "Inflation" or the worse is the "Crypto Winter" that's about to happen.

I've been reading a lot of articles and been checking a lot of tweets on Twitter just to be informed about the "Crypto World", and it seems like everything is in total chaos. I still believe that there is no such thing as expert in crypto. The so called experts on different social media now seems to become troubled about their wrong prediction of the market, and I can say that, they never really saw this crash coming.

So my one question is that; "Will Crypto Ever Recover Again?"

Title: Will Crypto Ever Recover Again?
Published Date: November 24, 2022
Author: alykavinsky 

What's up with you? So in this episode of unfortunate events on how the market has been in so much trouble because of too many negative things that has happened around it, it has a bigger effects, of course on those people who invest almost everything they've got on cryptocurrency. And yes, I can say that those small earners like us who do our little work in blogging site like read.cash are truly affected as well, specially those that just saved up their earnings from here, not knowing that the market will crash this much.

Even me, some of my investments on BTC, BCH, XRP and GALA, are affected as well. All of my investments on those cryptos are all negative now, that's why I can't take anything from them.

So, this is some of the reasons why the market crashes bigtime.

Of course, the seems to never end Russian and Ukraine War. This historical events affect the market greatly. Most businesses started to stop their operation which cryptos are included of course. So we don't have any clue, when this will going back to normal, and when this war will going to stop for good. Then there's this Terra Luna incident wherein its founder allegedly scammed every single investors of his token, stealing billions from its users. He's still on wanted list right now in South Korea, his motherland, and reportedly hiding right now, and that where he is, is we don't know. The latest one is this FTX scandal. This affects the market bigtime. Binance, its rival company, was suppose to save it by means of buying some of the company's portion but suddenly backed out, and that's when FTX finally crashes and filed for bankruptcy.

That's only the things I know. But what makes me totally wondering is, if the market will ever recover again.

Some crypto enthusiasts that I known has already pulled out their investments on cryptocurrency, and some are already exited the market for good. But some are still hanging, and telling others to hold on a little more. But I don't really know what's the best thing to do. I'm only following my gut feeling now. But the news says something worse is about to come.

The Crypto Winter is coming on June they say. But it feels like it's already here.

Crypto Winter is when the market stays bearish for 4 effing years. Sounds like the worse, eh? That when we'll never know if Crypto will ever recover again, or will it finally face the end of its line. But right now, all I can do is to monitor the market trend from time to time and see if it will goes up enough, so I could finally pull out my investments little by little.

I just hope that all the odds are still on my favor.

It's been a week since I posted an article because I can't think of the right one to post. I hope this one will do.

Thanks for your time dropping by here. I appreciate it a lot.


$ 0.39
$ 0.37 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.02 from @KirstenCassandra
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I think the fall of the centralized exchanges and custodial wallets will benefit crypto in the long run. People will be more cautious and do more research, and more of them will keep their crypto in non-custodial wallets.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yeah. I agree with you. Lesson learned it is

$ 0.00
1 year ago

with the way i can see and the movement in the market is show recovery as well and it seems like there is a better value in coming years

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hoping for that to happen. May the best of luck be with us

$ 0.00
1 year ago