How are you all ?? Hope you are fine . Thoose who know me personally and also have regularly read my articles noticed that I was absent scenes last two weeks. Actually there are some issues for those I could not carry on my journey. Alhamdulillah some are solved. And now I am trying to be regular again.
It was about 10 days ago my point were 300+ regularly. It was stable for only three or four days. And then it is going down by 20 or 30. Then one day it comes to zero. But I was still posting regularly but when the points is still 0 I got no interest to carry on.
And then another bad thing is happened. The phone I used for read cash was damaged by actually my silly fault. Not only read cash even I couldn't do any single task properly for my phone. Yesterday I bought a new phone. And the the last night register my previous ID in new phone. Now I am feeling better that I can see my friends and writers again 😍😍
That was my issues. And I got a surprise when I came back. I got a sponsorship by big man. This is non other @scottcbusiness 😇. Thank you sir for encouraging me me after this struggle.
And lastly I would like to get same response and support from you that you have give me in previous days. Hope you all have a very good day.