When we begin to accept and love ourselves, the world begins to work in our favor.

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1 year ago

"There is no worse loneliness than not being comfortable with yourself"

At some point in our lives, insecurities have taken us to the limit, clouding our perspective of the world but even more so the image we have of ourselves, making us fervently believe that we are worth very little or even nothing, creating a negative precedent in our lives, achieving in multiple occasions that we are withdrawn closing in on ourselves, but how we manage to emerge acquitted and victorious from these particularly harmful situations depends exclusively on the attitude with which we face them. Mainly the current of perfectionism is the cause of many inconveniences with respect to ourselves, because until we start and embark on the journey of creating self-love in our lives since the perspective that promotes self-love is supremely unique and positive, It is like a puzzle, it puts everything in its place, because we will understand that defects do not make us a better or worse person, on the contrary, accepting and working on improving all the negative of us only makes us conscious and intelligent people who mainly seek the transcend.

The nuances in life are always the order of the day, many times we want to be just white and others just black, human nature in countless and numerous situations is extremely rare, incomprehensible and contradictory, although we all have defects and virtues, but we are supremely foolish by distorting ourselves at times or distorting others due to insecurities that we carry deep within us and we do not know how to manage, but at the same time we do not let it flow or bring it to the surface, many times they overflow in our daily lives judging us, criticizing us and not accepting the unfortunate thing is that they are self-degrading actions but even knowing how much they hurt, unconsciously we want others to go through the same thing, we do not learn the damage that this generates and through many actions we condemn others to a completely tortuous life because the comments or actions are often double-edged swords, our intentions may not be negative but regrettable Offenses are always implicit even in these actions, many times they cause irreversible damage to our mental health and that of others, so we must take care of ourselves and try to take care of everything we do because we can hurt people.

In acceptance we find peace, therefore adding self-love, self-acceptance, being retrospective analyzing past moments already lived can be the key to achieving a mental and ideological transformation, it is supremely vital when we begin to grow and collect life experiences, we are totally inexperienced, we are seeking in one way or another to create a precedent or our own rules, with everything that works for us and works for us, but during that journey it is impossible to avoid situations that did not go as planned, totally unexpected and many of them with negative but lucrative nuances of one way or another for our life, given that they leave us teachings, for our life manual, that we can use in the present or even in the future. An extremely toxic trait in humans without a doubt is that from many situations that are really small and insignificant we do something extremely big that can often escape our control in short conclusions we drown in a glass of water countless times even knowing and Knowing that the creative solution is within reach of our hands, we prefer to ignore it and go down a path that is only disturbing us and stealing energy that we could well be investing in something supremely productive.

There are too many aspects that we must work on in order to create a good personal development, one of them is to stop pathologizing natural aspects that basically come from the factory with us and turn them into defects when they are things that are really beyond our absolute control. Eliminating criticism and self-criticism forever from our lives is a job that takes time and a lot of dedication on our part, thanks to the fact that it is a process with ups and downs, that is, we can fall back into the same habits, therefore it is supremely It is imperative to extract it from the root, even moving away from people whose focus on life is only placed on being aware of the lives of others, believing themselves to be a perfect being and putting others down just because they have material aspects or qualities that they think others do not possess.

"He who looks outside dreams, he who looks inside wakes up"

The goal will be to never forget that in acceptance and self-esteem we find freedom, to work on self-criticism, to constantly review and be more aware and retrospective, to have an isolated judgment where we are impartial to recognize when we truly act well and when we do the opposite. looking for alternatives that help us transform these circumstances and life situations, will be leading us towards transcendence in life.

Thank you for reading!

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1 year ago
