What comes to destabilize us has the ability to transform us into better people

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2 years ago

“When we are no longer capable of changing a situation, we face the challenge of changing ourselves”

We are all subject to change, something that we are assured of in life is transformation, metamorphosis is not only seen on the physical plane, because we landed in the world as babies, being very small, from there our growth occurs little by little. little, through the years and the guidelines dictated by our life leaders, that is, our parents, who are a great influence on the way or the perspective in which we will later see life, which in turn would be the mental plane, As I said, our drivers of life are influential not only because they are our family, they are because of the teachings that they transmit to us day by day and we copy through their example, although over the years we take off our flight from home looking for new adventures that At the same time, they add new horizons and ways of seeing life, a painful process for our parents but extremely normal, taking off from the nest brings many emotions for all those involved, especially for us. ros, because the objectives and illusions are widely focused on meeting goals and growing through the experiences in which life submits us in said process.

People change when they realize the potential they have to change things

Experiences are not predictable events, we see it even through the examples of the closest people around us, people who, although they are living the same experience, the perspective of seeing the events for each one will always be completely different and this according to the judgment that we grant to each one of them, also according to it thanks to the same criteria that we have granted is what will dictate and condition our emotions, because one way or another the judgment made was based on them, For this reason, becoming more aware, making an exhaustive analysis of all experiences, but also how we react to them, should be a priority given that they are supremely relevant aspects for our actions and of course our mental health, in addition to the fact that experiences, regardless of whether they are polarizing, are say good or bad are the ones that have promoted us to this position or this place where we are today in life, they are also overwhelming experiences that undoubtedly leave us teachings and wisdom of life.

Why should changes be feared? All life is change. Why should we fear him?

Living under negativity only leaves us exhausted, so changing perspectives in life is supremely relevant, negativity is something that consumes and robs us of energy, it does not allow us to be authentic and bring out our greatness, on the contrary, it limits us, not only us. it also limits us from others because it overwhelms us under false perspectives that everyone is bad, that there are no good people in the world and much less towards ourselves, therefore it is extremely necessary to have moments where we are our point of focus , that is, where we review our actions, thoughts and beliefs, because in our veins runs transformation, the power to change, which allows us to grow as human beings, not to remain stagnant, transformation is evolution is to integrate into our lives the ability to create better people, transformation is magical, the metamorphosis to which we human beings are exposed every day produces complete magic. At the same time, it is a magic that makes us more spiritual people, more aware of themselves, of their processes, we can also change all the negative experiences that at some point had the ability to destabilize us, changing them for positive ones, always taking out and keeping the best .

Another piece of advice to be able to include transformation as a fundamental tool in our lives is to include meditation, retrospection and even through positive affirmations in our routines and habits, they are extremely powerful practices capable of completely transforming our world thanks to the countless benefits that they offer us. grant.

Thanks for reading, doubts are given away in this space!

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2 years ago
