The misunderstood phenomenon of death

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1 year ago

"Death is the beginning of immortality."

We have been educated under many generationally preconceived precepts, precepts that when analyzed have no foundation or basis, such as death, they educate us as if we were immortal, they greatly undervalue this subject, although it is true that it generates anguish for many and even exists a phobia that is called thanatophobia, which is basically the fear of dying and of the process as such, as I said many times, our fears lead to phobias because they are aspects that we have been dragging since childhood, aspects learned and rooted deep within us, to get rid of these ideas, it is evidently necessary to accept that just as we came to this world we also have a departure, although obviously we do not know when or where, for this reason it is supremely necessary to VALUE the time that we have in our hands and sighs, time that we must invest intelligently before the misunderstood phenomenon of death reaches us.

Now, let's make clear the meaning of death and it is that this is "the limit of life, when the body and our organism is incapable of sustaining our vital functions that obviously are the ones that propagate us with life, ending these with a definitive cessation called death” in short, death teaches that life is very valuable, but to reach this conclusion unfortunately some who do not learn through the advice and experiences of others to be able to change their perspective of eternity and postponement to their ideals and your dreams many times you must experience processes that push you to value, this comes to us through experiencing illnesses, it is in these moments where we value what is health and well-being in balance, because to live a full life it is necessary to achieve stability in every way.

Evidently many aspects influence death and how it is perceived, above all it also depends on the location, the country, a clear example of this is Mexico, a country with an unshakable faith not only in the so-called Santa Muerte, but also towards other aspects but they are people who celebrate life after death, they are people who have managed to understand the phenomenon of death from its perspectives and principles, adoring it, waiting for it and while the process occurs living their life, squeezing every day that they can breathe, every day they can smell or simply open their eyes, because the greatest blessings are not material, the greatest blessings are found in our body, in harmonizing and stabilizing it so that it works in our favor, the last few years have served to connect even more with our existence, with the here and now, with what we have right now with enjoying that each day is unique, each day is a nu This investment opportunity that if used well can lead us to great things.

Many times it is not about transcending through religions, it is about transcending through the spirituality that dwells deep within us, there are many expectations and rumors of life or the continuity that exists after death, which is basically what Everyone fears, the unknown undoubtedly generates anxiety and distressing feelings that are often impossible to calm down, but we must learn to control it because otherwise we would not be living freely. In short, continuing with the subject, there are innumerable rumours, especially those raised by religions or various doctrines. , one of the most popular is that of hell, where there is a place to judge people, to disdain acts, others such as spiritual ones tell us that by stripping ourselves of the physical body we go where our conscience dictates, that is, if we believe in hell we will possibly land in it or if otherwise you believe that there are spaces or planes dedicated to the soul you will go to lí, it all depends as it obviously looks on the beliefs that each person holds, so I invite you to analyze, to generate your own criteria but above all to shake off those that only generate stress and anxiety.

Life succumbed to us with the events experienced in recent years, surviving a pandemic that unfortunately devastated so many people who had vitality is hopeful because it means that in us there is a mission, an objective that we must fulfill, something that still keeps us here in the earth therefore we must fight to get to know each other thoroughly, fight to meet goals day by day, fight to integrate spirituality into our lives, because although it sounds romantic every day is a new opportunity to do things well, to start or continue with our projects , you are the captain of your destiny, therefore you must always remember that the most expensive currency that you carry with you is always time, that which cannot be exchanged or bought, because when the phenomenon that is so misunderstood comes to us, we will not be able to escape from it.

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Thank you for reading!

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1 year ago
