Silence is one of the best teachers

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1 year ago

"Make sure your words are as beautiful as your silences"

We have absorbed many perspectives of the world that prevent us from enjoying the tools that it has to offer us, as I have emphasized in other installments, our belief system is very similar or equal to that of our parents and our family in general because this is generationally, the only difference is that when we grow up, when we decide to rethink many terms of life with which we no longer feel connected, changing them for those that identify us, those that truly reflect who we are in life. A belief that has been imposed on many of us is related to silence, that it is negative, that we must eradicate it, that we must replace it with noise or actions that do not lead us anywhere, therefore we pigeonhole it by putting a negative label on it when it is all the opposite, given that it is totally flattering.

Although many classify silence as negative, as a form of complete abstention that does not allow evolution, the reality is different, it is just the other side of the coin, but first it is extremely necessary to correctly identify what it means "Silence is obviously the total absence of sounds, many times specifically those that come out or we emit” It is extremely necessary to emphasize and add that this is even a way of communicating, given that it has a background that many refuse to know, limiting themselves to a universe that at some point of life can be very useful for it, on the other hand, silences give us calm, they give us peace, in addition to being an anchor to reorganize and clarify again all the ideas that continually flutter in our mind, as well as They help us clarify feelings, emotions and situations that have our minds restless.

"Do not speak unless you can improve the silence"

Deprogramming habits and belief systems rooted in our mind whose origin was almost that of our birth is extremely difficult, it is basically a matter of willpower, tenacity and courage, as well as willpower to change everything we feel, think and we are convinced that it is not working and is not bringing us absolutely anything for our process and progress, when we try to prioritize silence in adulthood it is mostly thanks to triggers, which accumulated over time and exploded causing the need for us of a change, therefore we begin to prioritize silence, we begin to see with another panorama, above all analytical, everything that happens around us in order to be able to act, activate and evoke the correct words, neutral words, words without backgrounds, words that enrich, words that nurture instead of hurtful words, so as the phrase that is at the beginning of this paragraph " We must not respond with anything that is not enriching, to utter rude, hurtful and painful words it is better to remain silent, silence is often the best weapon and the best response so that certain people also undertake a process where they recognize that they have failed.

Silence is a weapon that the human being possesses and that also provides us with multiple benefits, many even linked to our health, especially mental health, given that when we have exclusive moments for ourselves, moments to connect with our interior, with what we feel and with our emotions, we allow ourselves to put in order the torrential sea that lives in our soul, as I said before, there are many habits that are instilled in us in reference to silence, that always invite us to fill it, lead us to avoid it even until we give the step by step and life begins to fit little by little, this according to the fear that lives in us, fear of facing our most hidden and recondite fears, even our dreams, many times because we do not know how to manage, how to manifest, how to make our paths merge so that they evolve, silence disengages us, takes us away from our comfort zone, precisely this is for many a alert to run and get away from that which is helping to elevate your soul, therefore, in order to initiate a true connection with silence, it is first of all necessary to put aside any fear that binds us and does not allow us to take steps towards evolution.

Silence is the best friend when we decide to integrate our life into a more spiritual one, in principle it is difficult, in principle change hits us, I emphasize this above all from personal experience as many know, I am a Yoga instructor, a discipline that deserves a spirituality and dedication High, that from what many suppose, as I have explained many times in previous writings, yoga is not simply a discipline for our physical and external body to be in harmony, it is completely different since it is a discipline that requires all our dedication and commitment, above all for the spiritual life, of course this is not a religion or any kind of doctrine, it integrates us little by little according to the level that we adopt to know more about our soul, to become more aware of everything that surrounds us , until we manage to reach high levels, until we manage to create a loving connection with our inner self. Remember that:

-Silence helps us to have a balanced and orderly mind.

-It helps us manage our feelings and emotions, forging calm, peace and goodness into our character.

-It helps us get rid of stress.

-It also helps the mind, because it must have space to process everything that one experiences and happens on a daily basis, but especially hyperstimulation.

Thank you for reading!

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1 year ago
