My angelic encounters

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1 year ago

"There are angels who come into our lives in disguise to help us"

We all have our predilections, especially when it comes to beliefs, especially when it evokes superior beings, like the protagonists of today's article. Particularly as I have explained in previous installments, I am a being who from a very young age felt a very deep connection with spirituality, this perhaps due to the teachings that they gave me at home and of course the example that I continually saw, especially that of my grandmother, who was much more than that, she even became a great teacher and driver of and in my life, because she was a great believer, from there lies my beginnings in spirituality, when back then in my first years of life, she taught me and planted in me to believe, not only in a religion as such, but in a supreme deity, that although many are unbelievers in my life has been a great source redirecting or guiding my path when I feel lost, although beliefs are a taboo subject, given that we do not all share the same ideologies, but nevertheless something supreme unites us because we faithfully believe in something.

Now, as I grew, my faith increased, not only in the supreme superior being, but in the aspects that little by little I was knowing, learning and adding in my life that helped even more to strengthen my spirituality, I have not told you but I am a person who begins the journey of 39 years in this life, when I began to know and believe in angels I was very young in my adolescence specifically, my uncles were pimps and fundamental pillars because little by little they were contributing to my faith thanks because his gifts were continually books that reflected spirituality, so on one of those occasions a book that spoke specifically about angels was the one that trapped me in the belief about these supernatural beings, that for some they exist and for others they don't but that without a doubt in my life they have been a guide and have manifested themselves little by little, thus positioning themselves as a belief that I have really lived and experienced, therefore my objective now is to tell my experience, with the purpose of helping people who may be experiencing the same thing that at some point allows and also how to channel it to leave fear aside and surrender completely to the experience.

First of all I want to make it clear that they are angels, it is very complex to define it because thousands of conceptualizations abound today, it depends on us and our critical sense to believe or not but I leave you the one that personally becomes more similar to what what angels truly consist of, is "They are supernatural and spiritual creatures that are the direct connection between us and a supreme being, in addition to most of the time their objective towards trying to establish a connection with us is to reveal some message that clearly contains relevant aspects and of utmost importance with reference to our life or people close to us”

These beings, as I explained before, have mainly the purpose of delivering messages to us, many will wonder if it is possible, of course it is possible, especially to the extent that you believe it that way, in addition to the fact that, as I also explained, they do not deliver these to everyone, many Sometimes they don't even have to do with us, we can also be conductors to carry messages that have been transmitted to us due to the highest spirituality that inhabits each one of us who inhabit the world, therefore there are clearly messengers of the angels themselves, here I make a Parenthesis to tell you a story about someone I recently met for about a year and who was an inspiration for my life, a person with a really bright aura, always wanting to help others, that's why maybe she was a messenger of the angels, because this person had a very strong spiritual connection with these beings, the beautiful thing about her was that she did not keep this quality or gift that It was granted to her, she always tried to help whoever she could, it was a coincidence to meet her, because really if you investigate, even in the people you know there are very few who have a high level of spirituality, in addition to the fact that she had a direct bridge between the angels, unfortunately I speak of her in the past due to the fact that she recently passed away, she transcended to another plane, where she will surely continue helping all of us who knew her from there "

It really is incredible that they even exist, but even more incredible is that since we are born they always give us one each, with the purpose of accompanying us and guiding us even without realizing it, another relevant aspect about these is that people are mainly incredulous because they do not see them, but they exist, they become palpable through energy and are even present in many circumstances of our lives but we do not know how to recognize them because we do not investigate about them and clearly we do not delve into the subject, of otherwise we could have basic notions about them and how they manifest in our lives. The angels do not grant our wishes, the angels are spiritual guides, who help many times to overcome obstacles that we ourselves have created, such as the fear of acting, such as the fear of what they will say.

To be able to feel the signals that they send us many times, it is extremely necessary to be attentive, making our intuition one of our priorities, that is, not ignoring it, there are also countless opportunities that they make themselves present through the ideas that continually occur to us. but that we discard for it is truly necessary to be more aware of everything that surrounds us, trying to leave ignorance behind, never fear them they always have as a priority to help us strengthen our spirit, in addition to the fact that we are always accompanied by one of them, to establish communication it is necessary to talk to them, as if it were a friend, in addition to asking them to express themselves with clear and forceful messages.

Do you want to know more about these beings? let me know in the comments

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1 year ago
