Does the sixth sense exist? How to enhance it?

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1 year ago

"Logic is almost always right, but intuition and the sixth sense are never wrong"

The reason and criteria qualities that come with the years especially in pre-adulthood and in adulthood when we are living and experiencing life to the fullest, in addition we also begin to develop the faculty of intuition or the famous sixth sense, which It allows us to have the ability to associate, understand and comprehend things almost immediately, without many protocols, in addition to without the intervention of reason, intuition is something natural, common and integrated into our soul that has very little chance of failing. in another context, specifically in a past article on the chakras where they were explained, especially one that is linked to intuition, the so-called third eye that is in the middle of our eyebrows, also on the other hand, intuition is a muscle that we must exercise Like everything in life, reaching the highest level of perfection that we can achieve with our actions is obviously through trial and error.

No one is born with magic formulas or instructions, that is why life bases its main lifestyle on the theory of trial and error, the one that invites us to throw ourselves fully or in short, to fight constantly to achieve any goal that we have. we propose, likewise invites us to normalize failure, because success without failure does not exist, failure is a fundamental and vital part of life, not only in the professional aspect, it is also part of our personal, family and love life, for this reason the intuition and the sixth sense are fundamental, many times our body, mind and heart dictate the answers to many things in everyday life, but we underestimate it so much that we decide to ignore it and carry it or hide it in the back of our minds, unfortunately there are more than they do not give it its true and deserved since, unfortunately, by not discerning, by not giving it an opportunity, we unconsciously fill it with aspects that only attack against us like the famous impostor syndrome that generates us and fills us with thousands of doubts, the worst of the case is that we decide to believe that negative part and turn our backs on what really deserves value and exaltation.

The etymology of the word intuition has its origin in Latin, which when translated tells us what it means, to look, to notice or, failing that, to contemplate, for this reason the main people in charge of giving value and meaning to words and things in the world explain and determine that intuition is the above all personal perception that we all evoke towards a certain thing or people, intuition should also be noted that it is popularly known as the sixth sense, there are also myths that express and erect that women are more sensitive to this quality , but particularly I think that we can all develop it and take it to the last consequences equally, because as I explained before, everything in life is effort, sacrifice, dedication, dedication and exercise or practice, in order to reach high levels and thus improve ourselves. and exalt the values ​​and qualities that life is responsible for giving us.

As I said before, we see intuition linked to the spiritual world, with the chakras, which in turn have existed for many many years, therefore it is the sixth of the seven main and most important, it is said that it has feminine energy. and it is one of those responsible for giving life to human and spiritual communication, in addition to enhancing consciousness and intuition, in addition to keeping it open and exercising it daily, it obviously gives us more wisdom, in turn it also helps us to create and encourage one's judgment, it is also said to be linked to the pituitary gland, a very important and even small pea-sized gland that is specifically located near the brain and whose function is to release hormones that help us release even the stress and tension of the body, it is a highly spiritual chakra, this because it promotes the psychic abilities of the brain.

As we can analyze to conclude, spirituality is not only linked to the soul, it is linked to many aspects of our lives, as we learned today, especially to intuition, which in turn gives us great benefits that allow us to become observant people, who provide absolute attention even to the smallest details, people who give importance to solitude as much as to moments of joy with others, people who, thanks to developing it, begin to foster and above all to make the creativity of the human being grow, do not be afraid of intuition, This is just a tool and a method that life gave us so as not to censor ourselves, so as not to overwhelm ourselves with all the information that we receive daily and that without it would simply paralyze us, therefore start promoting it today, you are on time you have life and the perfect time is always now.

Thank you for reading!

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