Chinese culture and its various approaches

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1 year ago

“Memories are the architecture of our identity”

It is evident and unquestionable that the world is diverse, diversity begins with the location and demographics of so many countries, countries that have been creating and solidifying a cultural identity that is basically rooted in values, symbols, traditions, modes of behavior and Even cultural identity is implicit and rooted in the places that make up our country. Venezuela, in particular, has managed to create a world precedent with a diverse but very recurrent, magnetic and magnificent culture, but this has been consolidated in this way, especially because we have grown with broad cultures, our country let us remember that it is in Latin America, a world that was discovered later, therefore many foreigners arrived, foreigners with many mixtures that put a grain of sand although the native Venezuelan also helped because it was a mixture of many cultures creating an irreplaceable, both in the way of being of the citizens to the native gastronomy, but or not only our country, there are many super interesting cultures that manage to arouse interest because they are very different from what we commonly know as Asian, obviously one that encompasses many aspects that arouse genuine interest.

First, it is necessary to point out and highlight that it is one of the oldest in the world, as old as it is complex, because it has many aspects that are very rigid, Chinese culture is very original, although it has adopted many characteristics of others, it is one that has been very interesting since philosophy, even art, I have to especially emphasize that they are very spiritual people, their culture does not revolve around religions, they basically try to become their own temple although of course with the help of certain guidelines such as one that I have exposed in a previous article, Taoism, but also Confucianism and even as I said before have taken certain characteristics of Indian cultures specifically such as Buddhism thus creating the famous Chan Buddhism, now I want to make clear the point of why it is a complex culture and so because it is a wide, large territory, it is made up of multiple provinces where many even handle other dialects and languages, besides that it is natural that they have promoted their own customs, therefore, if something marks China, it is its diverse culture.

One aspect that stands out greatly about the people of this territory, which is also undeniable, are their features, they have very own and autochthonous features that just by seeing them we can deduce that they are from some country in the Asian territory, in short, one of the most encompassed languages is Mandarin but there are also 8 linguistic groups, it should be noted that it is a language that was born in the 6th century, it is one of the oldest and is currently one of the autochthonous languages ​​with the most native speakers, it is evident that a complex language nothing similar to English or Spanish, the objective of the creation is also obvious and it was because they obviously needed a communication model and through this language it was achieved and also managed to cross borders until this century, quite an adage, another great characteristic that identifies this territory is gastronomy, one that has also managed to position itself in this century, in addition to being closely related to the philosophy that dictates his life, in short, every Asian meal, especially Chinese, must contain fan (cereals, like rice) and caí (vegetables), we even know a little about this because in many countries there are great restaurants that offer this type of gastronomy, therefore we have known and tasted a bit of Chinese culture.

Another piece of information before talking in depth about the philosophy, is the clothing that is still very old, especially on special days, called the Hanfu, a silk tunic that reaches the knees with a skirt that reaches the ankles, it is It is incredible how Chinese culture has been preserved, it has aged extremely well, there are few changes that have been given to it today, now well, let's delve a little into the philosophy that speaks and supports the spirituality that is the main engine of my writings, well well, it is no secret to anyone that I feel an overwhelming connection with myself but that allows me to see the perspectives of other cultures such as China that can contribute broad features to our autonomy, even as I told you before I have been a great fan that I have even shared a little About these philosophies let's start with the Buddhist, originally from India but thanks to its perspective it managed to spread throughout Asia, as we well know it does not proclaim gods but practices that They lead us to personal well-being and sublimity, Confucianism, another of those that determines this country is based on moral and religious doctrines imposed by the famous Confucius, Taoism, which you will be able to understand more thoroughly in one of my articles, but it is based on the duality, is even implicit because its graphic sign is ying and yang which, as we already know, means balance on the other we have polytheism, which is a religion structured in the three mentioned above basically.

Thank you for reading!

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