Am I really free..?

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3 years ago

I've asked this question many a times to myself, I'm sure in some latent conscious you have done the same and then after you've found an image of yourself doing something which gives you sense of freedom you started pursuing it. It could be reading this or climbing a mountain.

I do the same, seeking an endless dream that dawns on me every moment i feel caught up in this illusory world. But that is the chase and the catch of all this. Every moment we get caught up and the next we want to be free, but is that freedom is the real freedom we seek or our mind fools us into believing that it is.

Even when I am writing this down, I am getting caught up in the words i cannot find and free when I write down. But then I think this freedom is transitory and like a traveler it keeps coming and going. What if it could stay ? But then if it stays it is not freedom, don't you think so. So what we seek as freedom is not really freedom, it is yet another web for us to get caught into.

Maybe every new web is what gives us sense of freedom, our endless visions of freedom are actually the reason why we are getting caught up deeper and deeper. So then thinking and wanting to be being free is the way to be free.

#free #wild #truth #illusion #virtual #intangible

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Avatar for alpinehusky
3 years ago
