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3 years ago

I met her 2 years ago, we were classmates during our 2nd year in college. She is always seated alone at the corner with no one to talk to. I wanted to talk to her at first, but I couldn't just do it. Luckily the two of us were paired in our group project. I was hesitant at first, I didn't know if I should speak to her or not. In the end she was the one who made the move, I was quite shocked by her lovely voice. The two of us used our brains until we ran out of ideas. The next thing I know is that we were talking about all sorts of things. The bell rang and the next subject began, the two of us sat afar from each other. I was kind of happy when I saw her talking lots, I ended up wanting to see that side of her more often. The class project will be ending in a week, I was determined to talk and talk to her even when the project ends. Slowly I tried to bother her during our vacant hours, she would not speak at first but would always end up speaking. I found myself quite fond of her, maybe because I'm seeing a side of her that no one knows. The project came to an end, but our connection to one another continues.

The time for our new seating arrangement came, I was quite nervous about what seat I would get. We were asked to draw lots,I somehow wished that the two of us would become seatmates. I ended up having a seat near the window, and she ended up having a seat in front of me. I was quite happy with the result, but I do want her to become my seatmate. Since I was always sleepy during class, my notebooks still have a lot of blank pages. I didn't expect her to give me a copy of her notebook, I promised her to return it the next day. As I returned home I started copying her notes, I was amazed by her handwriting skills that looked like every text that was written were printed. I flipped and flipped every page of her notebook then I came across a letter that contained her feelings for someone else. I also found out in her notebook that the person she loves, already loves another person.The texts were written a few months ago. After having a glimpse of her secret, I decided to comfort her in a way that she would not notice what I know.

As time passed by we grew closer to each other, and she was able to smile again like she used to. By that time we were already seatmates, the two of us were always fooling around during every class. She was also able to open up to me, it was like I was able to make her comfortable with me. I always thought that our happy days would continue, until someone in our class managed to create a gap between the two of us. We were not able to spend our time together, just the two of us like we always used to do. One day she told me that she somehow likes that guy in our class. That is the time when my world started to crumble, it was like everything was falling apart. As I see her happy with him, it made me aware of my feelings for her. My only goal before was to make her happy, and it did come true. She became happy with someone else. I decided not to tell her about my feelings, seeing her happy was already enough for me. Our 2nd year ended and the two of us are neither classmates nor seatmates. 2 years later we still greet each other whenever we meet at the hallways. The closeness was gone and I somehow wish that my feelings were also gone. Our gap grew bigger when I decided not to hang out with her more often. I was trying to get rid of my feelings that were never reciprocated.

She was like a broken egg shell before I met her....... and this is how I ended up.
Slowly I was able to fix her again....... and I didn't expect to fall apart like this.
If you try to fix another person, don't get too attached unless you have the same feelings.
Hopefully she was able to become whole again somehow, but I'm not the person that will complete her. I guess the next story is about "How I fix myself."

By the way my name is Rex and her name was Liz.


This is the story on how I fixed her and how she broke me.

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$ 0.20 from @TheRandomRewarder
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3 years ago


you fixed her but broke yourself in the end.. awtssss

$ 0.00
3 years ago

that process totally sucks at some point.... awts gege nalangg hahahahahah

$ 0.00
3 years ago

@TheRandomRewarder our efforts are just wasted. We spent hours thinking of our original contents and yet our efforts are just nothing. πŸ˜”

$ 0.00
3 years ago

love it. superb. heart-breaking and tear-jerking story πŸ₯Ί

$ 0.00
3 years ago

watch out for more tragic stories πŸ˜‚ rip the heart let it bleed πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

$ 0.00
3 years ago

wow but it's ouch! Rex should at least fight and try to express his Feelings at least he tried just maybe he will have a happy ending. just maybe this time🎀lolπŸ˜†

$ 0.00
3 years ago

more tragic stories to come πŸ˜‚ thank you very much for the upvote! 😁

$ 0.00
3 years ago

yeah eventhough I always got an eggπŸ˜† But if the story touched my heart I'll always give an upvote 😊

$ 0.00
3 years ago