The SmartBCH ecosystem: Tools, NFTs, Bridges, DEX Exchanges and More

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2 years ago

The SmartBCH ecosystem is made up of several bodies that allow it to fully function and in a favorable environment for all projects constituted in it to have a very broad scope and achieve programmed objectives.

SmartBCH is still very young, only six months old, but much is expected of it and it is also a crucial point for Bitcoin Cash to secure its own deserved space in the world of decentralized finance (DeFi), after all, using smart contracts Bitcoin Cash opens a completely new page on a journey that aims to ensure more people actively participate in the DeFi ecosystem and pay affordable fees to do so.

Next, I will mention the various projects that make up the SmartBCH side-chain to make it work in full for a better diffusion of smart contracts in the Bitcoin Cash world environment:

Wallets that host SmartBCH

Metamask is a very popular wallet in the crypto world, not only for its ability to store funds in a fully decentralized manner, but also for hosting various protocols that can be EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) compatible. It is a wallet with millions of users around the world and, of course, it is also part of the Bitcoin Cash DeFi ecosystem.

This is where any DApp, NFT projects or even Dex Exchanges can be accessed as long as the wallet is connected and enabled to work with the smartBCH side-chain.

But in addition to Metamask, there are other wallets where SmartBCH can also be accessed and over time this number will only increase, at the moment we have, TokenPocket and

Monitoring tools on SmartBCH

To be aware of everything that happens in the SmartBCH ecosystem, it is necessary to have own tools in which it can follow live the various projects and how much has been invested in the SmartBCH side-chain, and here we have:

Grafana: It is a very useful tool to keep track of various statistics such as how many Bitcoin Cash has been invested in SmartBCH, how many Bitcoin Cash has been burned, what is the flow of creating new contracts and much more. is the smartBCH explorer where transactions that occur on smartBCH can be monitored live, this is where valid contracts can be verified and where all the information inherent to SmartBCH can be verified in open source.

Defillama: is an information aggregator of all Dex Exchanges that exist on the side-chain, as well as how much is locked as a total value in each trading platform existing on SmartBCH.

DEXScreener: a very useful tool when you want to monitor all DEX Exchanges and their trading pairs as well as how much liquidity each pair has, hourly, daily and weekly transactions for each project and a wide range of useful information for SmartBCH.

DEX Exchanges operating on SmartBCH

BenSwap was the first DEX to develop its product on the SmartBCH side-chain and since then many other decentralized trading platforms have entered the Smart Bitcoin Cash chain market among them,

MistSwapDEX, a platform of great technological innovation betting on an environment of trust among its users and also in development for the side-chain to be a success in the DeFi world and for that it has recently launched a bridge where customers can invest in the side-chain using more than 20 cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin Core (BTC), Ethereum, USDT, Matic, xrp, doge and more making more people interested in the side-chain.

It also have, Cowswap,, 1BCH etc.

These platforms play a leading role in the dissemination of SmartBCH since most projects use them to negotiate the various projects that the side-chain has, creating a favorable ecosystem for its existence. Recently TangoSwap Dex launched an exchange aggregator where users can compare prices and choose the one they like best to trade their assets.

Bridges at SmartBCH

In order for the smartBCH ecosystem to work 100% and funds must be invested, one of the ways to send money to the side-chain is using the bridges, you can put in and take out Bitcoin Cash.

The existing bridges on the side-chain are:

CoinFLEX, which is also the central wallet for all existing Bitcoin Cash on SmartBCH at this embryonic stage;

Hop.Cash works much faster than CoinFLEX and there is no need to create an account to deposit and withdraw money at SmartBCH is managed by reputable people in the Bitcoin Cash community and takes just a few minutes to either deposit or withdraw on the side-chain. It also have,, and others.

NFT Projects On SmartBCH

Digital arts produced on blockchain is also making its rage at SmartBCH and I couldn't help but mention the main projects running on the SmartBCH side-chain.

Of course, I couldn't even go wrong without mentioning Law Punks who brought a very positive dynamic to SmartBCH, allowing their NFT to stake and earn profit for their owners without them having to get rid of their digital arts.

Puffers Poolside NFT is so far the project that was created with the purpose of donating money to an orphanage in Vietnam, being, therefore, a project of a humanitarian nature. It was created by renowned engineer Corbin Fraser and had its minting price set at 0.0035 BCH. In addition to this project we have CATS NFT, Thrones:Queens,, ReapersNFT, Gambling Apes Club NFT and much more.

ReapersNFT and Gambling Apes Club NFT were the last most successful projects launched on SmartBCH and with the last one (Gambling Apes Club) having achieved the highest sales record raising 400 BCH in just four minutes of minting. ReapersNFT had their minting process in 4 hours where they collected 500 BCH after the summon.

Block & Market Explorers

With the growth of SmartBCH block explorer tools as well as market tools are spreading and we have:

Marktcap.Cash: where prices and listing of all tokens can be followed on SmartBCH, also where chart charts can be seen and more recently added the ability for people to be able to buy tokens using the TangoSwap aggregator. It is an essential tool for mining existing tokens on the side-chain so users can enjoy their investments in real time.

We also have the OASIS Marketplace which is where all NFTs can be explored, sold and bought on SmartBCH. It is a completely decentralized platform where any digital art can be listed on the side-chain. We also have, (which is for Law Punks trading only) and soon Gambling Apes Club NFT will have its own parallel NFT trading market.

Games at SmartBCH

There is a gaming world on the side-chain for lovers of Blockchain games and where we have,, and catsluck.

Over time, more projects can be produced linked to Blockchain games, thus ensuring that lovers of this modality can enjoy them.


The smartBCH ecosystem is rapidly growing and more and more projects will leave the air of their grace on it.

Due to its fundamentals of low fees, speed and efficiency where it values ​​the inclusion of more people in decentralized finance, the ecosystem is very likely to become a giant in this DeFi world, tools created to pull more people like the Mistswap Bridge that allows more than 20 coins being converted to Bitcoin Cash opens up a great opportunity.

It is, however, necessary work and focus on side-chain marketing as there is still a lot to come, but the future is very promising for SmartBCH.

$ 2.12
$ 2.08 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.03 from @akagaminoDneloy
$ 0.01 from @GKeep18
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2 years ago


CoinEx soon create a bridge between Metamask. There's a lot sep20 tokens but i wonder why it can't transfer to Metamask?

$ 0.00
2 years ago