BitFlyer users in Europe to Buy crypto using Paypal.

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3 years ago

The subsidiary in Europe of the Japanese crypto exchange BitFlyer will allow users to deposit Euros on their accounts using PayPal.

The integration of deposits in Europe by the crypto exchange will make the platform the first one enabling that function linking the most popular payment method service in the traditional sector Paypal allowing BitFlyer users who have accounts on the exchange to purchase crypto with PayPal funds.

PayPal have been on the mouth of the media since March of 2020, where the online service were saying interested in facilitate users to purchase cryptos directly in their dashboard accounts, which would be a great incentive on the cryptocurrency service adding more than 300M to access crypto in more than 210 countries worldwide, but still on plans of the fintech that clear is studying how to enter on the crypto sphere.

The Fintech have chosen Paxos Brokerage to handle all their crypto transactions if their decide to enter big in Crypto.

To mention that Coinbase also used the services of Paypal but only allowing users to withdraw their earnings not deposit, and the exchange have been with Paypal for years, assuming that if the online payment service make their debut on crypto one day surely coinbase would be one of their partners.

Well, this new integration by BitFlyer exchange is showing that slowly PayPal is assuming a different posture in crypto, let's hope the services can also be provided in more exchange platforms in other places on the planet where PayPal have influence, giving more access to crypto to many and bringing it to the masses.

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3 years ago


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3 years ago