Don't let someone else decide for you!

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When we look at successful people in business, we can see that they all have one thing in common: Good time management. Even though their workload is very high and they have meetings in different places at all hours of the day, they manage to get all their work done during the day and make time for themselves at home at the end of the working day, don't they?

Even if it is difficult to make time for yourself, your loved ones and your family at work, it is possible with effective time management. People who are successful in both their work and time management are often looked at as superheroes, but in fact they are no different from you. With a few adjustments in your life, you too can have effective time management.

Starting every day the same way is one of the most effective steps to spend the whole day productively. It keeps you focused and gives you some alone time before all the craziness of the day starts. This way, you can visualize what you want to do during the day much more clearly.

If you only have time to brush your teeth and get ready when you wake up, this opens the door to a stressful day. Getting ready quickly, running in a panic so that the bus doesn't run away... These are all extremely wrong choices to start the day.

One of the traits that all successful people have is that they have developed the ability to quickly decide whether something is important or not. They can instantly decide which task needs to be accomplished to move a project forward. Less successful people get caught up in unimportant details. They blame others if they make a mistake, get stressed about the number of emails, or get confused about their tasks. These are all big obstacles to success.

To be successful, you need to focus on what is important.

Knowing what your goal is is not only a good idea, it is vital when you want to succeed at something. Instead of saying "I want to be CEO one day", "I want to be CEO of SpaceX in 2045" shows how clear your goal is. Once you have set your goal, you should not be distracted by other events.

If you have a clear goal, you can manage your day and months accordingly. Thus, you can work towards your goal rather than focusing on negative details during the day.

A great idea may come to you at unexpected moments during the day. Since many people don't write down their ideas, they are forgotten and gone. If you forget to carry a notebook, you can add your ideas to your phone's notes. Write down anything that comes to your mind, even if it doesn't make sense when you look at it later. Maybe you will become the next Elon Musk.

If you have a project or a job that you need to focus on, allocate a long period of time to it and give it your full concentration. Do not allow any interruptions during this time. It could be a book, a new course, an improvement to an existing product or a completely new project.

The length of time, intensity and total focus results in some products that sell millions. Although this can be difficult to achieve, it works best if you give yourself clear time frames and don't get distracted by other things.

Most of us let our coworkers schedule meetings and appointments, but successful people never do that. If you want a successful person to attend a meeting, you need to ask them directly. Set a goal for yourself today to take full control of your calendar and not let others organize appointments for you. Control your time yourself. Don't let someone else decide your tasks and their timings for you!

$ 0.29
$ 0.26 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.01 from @Mictorrani
$ 0.01 from @MaritessNgBuhayMo
+ 1


I needed to hear this as I have been unmotivated and procrastinating a lot these days.

$ 0.00
1 year ago