Here are some list of "fun facts" about plants.
● 85% of plant life is found in the ocean.
● The Amazon rainforest produces half the world’s oxygen supply.
● Cucumber is a fruit and not a vegetable since it has seeds in the centre.
● A cluster of bananas is called a hand and consists of 10 to 20 bananas known as fingers.
● Vanilla flavouring comes from the pod of an orchid, Vanilla planifolia.
● There are over 300,000 identified plant species and the list is growing all the time.
● Caffeine serves the function of a pesticide in a coffee plant.
● At over 2000 kilometres long, The Great Barrier Reef is the largest living structure on Earth.
● The earth has more than 80,000 species of edible plants.
● 70,000 plant species are utilized for medicine.
● 80 percent of the Earth's original forests have been cleared or destroyed.
● 68% of plants are in danger of going extinct.
● Just 10% of the world's plant-rich areas are protected.
● The typical mature tree can provide enough wood to make 170,100 pencils.
● Cabbage, broccoli, kale, cauliflower and kohlrabi are all the same species of plant (Brassica oleracea), but were selectively bred for different uses, to the point where they no longer even resemble one another.
● If onions make you cry when you chop them, it’s because they give off sulphenic acid, a serious irritant, when you cut them.
● The word banana comes from the Arabic word banan and means finger and was given because of the fingerlike fruit. And a cluster of bananas is called a hand.
● The huge baobab trees of Africa and Madagascar are composed of up to 76% water at the end of the rainy season and can hold up to 120,000 liters of water in their swollen trunk and branches, enough to fill several backyard swimming pools.
● The first carrots were purple rather than orange.
● Oak trees are struck by lightning more than any other tree.
● Grass plants make up 26% of all plant life on earth.