6 obvlous Signs Your CRUSH LIKE YOU

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Avatar for aheshanalibelim
2 years ago

You know that one girl that you have a massive crush on that you spend about 20 times a day stalking on social media to keep up with their life? Yes, its borderline psychotic and you probably need a restraining order. But hey, you're in love. And at this point, you probably wish you could read her mind. You're wondering if she's also thinking about you and stalking you back.

Well, today I'm going to give you six obvious signs that your crush that girl that you like probably likes you back. If that sounds interesting, let's jump in for one.

1. She also stalks you on social media. You already know what I'm talking about. When you love somebody this much, she's probably your top search results within your Instagram.

Well, she's probably doing the same to you if she likes you back. And there are three ways to find out if she's stalking you back

1. Does she like your post late at night? If you wake up and see a notification that she's like one of your posts at twelve or one in the morning, this is great news because this is when she's in bed and she's thinking about you.

2. Did you catch her liking an old post from 2013 Christmas with your grandma?

This is also a great thing because this means she's been deeply stalking you and really trying to see your past

3. Probably the best one of them all to know if they're stalking you, if she never likes or comments on your stuff, but she's always viewing your stories or your snaps. If you see her popping up here and there, chances are she's stalking you and she probably slips off

2. She gives you the shy look. No matter how confident a girl is, almost all of them will give you that shy look.

It's pretty obvious the cycle goes something like this. She glances at you, and then she glances away. Then when you're not looking, she looks back at you. And then you catch her that she's looking at you and she quickly looks away. That girl, she likes you.

But here's the reality. Your crush aren’t going to be staring at you if you don't give her something good to look at

3rd obvious sign that this girl likes you is that you're seeing her more often than you used to. If you start seeing this trick all of a sudden popping up in situations that you weren't used to seeing her there or more often bumping into her than other times, chances are this girl likes you, especially if you're used to sharing your location through Snap or Instagram. Chances are she's stalking you and purposely going to these locations so she can bump into you. Or she could even be asking your friends, what are you going to be up to make sure she bumps into you. Trust me; girls go through some extensive things to pursue their crush.

4. Check out her pupils. Are they dilated? If so, this girl loves you. Naturally. Our eyes when they get captivated by something that we like open up because we want to absorb as much of it as possible.

And according to American scientific this is also a biological phenomenon that allows you to build connections with somebody and make them attracted to you.

5. You want to test energy. Sometimes the best way to know if a crush likes you is to actually go in there and get a clear signal. You want to test the vibes, make sure the energy is right which means if you have a gut feeling that she likes you but aren't 100% just yet, start flirting with her. Be a little friendlier when there's attraction.

Both parties are going to feed off of that attraction and want more. In other words, she's going to reciprocate your energy and start flirting back. If she doesn't, chances are she doesn't like.

6. it’s her body language. The National Institute of mental health actually did a study which showed that 70% of men end up misreading woman signals.

They end up mistaking romantic signals for just friendship. Sometimes girls will throw off all the signs with their bodies telling us that they're in love with us and we can't even read it. We don't see it. So for example, simple things like smiling with her eyes like a genuine smile or you notice that her feet are always pointed towards you or even she exposes her body and her wrist to become vulnerable to you. This girl likes you bro.

Make your move and that's basically it for today's video. Guys, I hope you enjoyed it if you did, don't forget to drop us a like down below. Also don't forget to check got a response to the Menlo club. Like I said, they're having an insane offer going on right now. That's it for me today.

See you next time.

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Avatar for aheshanalibelim
2 years ago
