What is diabetes?

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What is diabetes?

Why is that?
By Online Desk
December 25, 2018 at 3:14 PM

According to the World Health Organization, diabetes is now an epidemic. Photo: AFP Diabetes is now an epidemic, according to the World Health Organization. Photo: AFP
The term diabetes is familiar to all of us. No family can be found where there are no diabetics. According to the World Health Organization, diabetes is now an epidemic. The World Health Organization

(WHO) has recently announced the cause of the outbreak.

The question may come, what is diabetes? The American Diabetes Association says that diabetes is a disease that can never be cured. But this disease can be easily controlled.

According to the Irish Independent, when we eat carbohydrates or common sugary foods, it is broken down into glucose. Insulin is a type of hormone. Its job is to

deliver this glucose to the cells of the human body. The body's cells then use that glucose to produce energy. People do their daily work with that energy. So when this glucose does not reach the cells of the body, then the daily work of human beings will be disrupted.

When someone has diabetes, the secretion of insulin hormone in that person's body decreases. As a result, glucose cannot reach the body's cells. This increases the amount of glucose in

the blood. Excess glucose is usually excreted through the urine. This is why diabetics urinate frequently. When there is a lot of urination, the patient suffering from diabetes becomes thirsty.

On the other hand, a patient who urinates frequently loses large amounts of glucose. In this way the cells of the body cannot produce the required energy. As a result, the patient feels weak. If the patient does not take proper measures to control diabetes, various physical complications can occur, including problems with his blood vessels, nerves, kidneys, eyes and heart.

Symptoms of diabetes
There are some common symptoms of diabetes. According to the American Diabetes Association, diabetes can be easily identified if certain things are taken care of. And as soon as diabetes can be identified, control measures must be taken. The symptoms of diabetes are:

1. Frequent urination
2. Get thirsty
3. Frequent hunger even after regular meals
4. Feeling exhausted
5. Blurred vision
. The cuts on different parts of the body do not heal easily
. Weight loss despite eating
. Pain in hands and feet or occasional fainting

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