The Benefits of Being Bilingual

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3 years ago

The Viemoved to the United States in 1981. At that time, the made a decision. They decided to stop speaking Portuguese at home and only communicate in English. They were, in fact, living in an Englsih speaking country. The Vieira children are adults now, and from time to time they travel to Portugal to visit old family and friends. There is a problem, however. Mr. and Mrs. Vieira's offspring cannot communicate with their relatives. This particular event happens frequently all over the world. When people immigrate to a new lands, many of them begin disregarding not only their cultural traditions but also their native language. This disregard for the native language is a mistake as there're many benefits to being bilingual.

One of the most basic advantage of being bilingual is a purely linguistic one. People who can speak more than one language can communicate with more people around the world. They do not have to rely on another to automatically know their own language or resort to an interpreter to get their message across. These bilingual people are independent and self-reliant. Their message can be heard and understood without the "aid" of others. In contrast, people who are monolingual must put all their trust in others in order to make communication happen. Bilinguals are masters of their words and ideas.

In addition to linguistic advantages, speaking a second language also allows people to experience another culture. Even if these people have never visited another country, bilingualism enhances cultural and social awareness of another group of people. Idiomatic expressions, vocabulary, and even jokes can have a powerful impact on a person's understanding of another culture. For example, a person who speaks American English knows the expression "to put your John Hancock" on something, which means to sign something. However, only people who know about John Hancock's role in the signing of the Declaration of Independence can fully understand the literal meaning and historical significance of this expression. Thus, becoming bilingual clearly increases knowledge of a new culture.

Finally, widespread bilingualism can contribute to global awareness. If anyone in the world spoke a second or a third language, the different areas of the world could become more closely entwined. Countries could better communicate and perhaps have a better understanding of others' ideas, value, and behaviors. Being able to another country's language makes people more sympathetic to the problems and situations in the country. Conversely, not knowing the language of a potential enemy (country) can only increase miscommunication and suspicion .

The benefits of bilingualism are clear. In fact, there's no single disadvantage to speaking more than one language. The real tragedy, however, is not that people do not make the effort to study and learn a second language. It is that people who already have the gift of speaking another tongue let themselves forget it and become a part of the muted majority as a result.

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