7 Writing Tips You Should Know

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Writing fulfils me and I am loving it to express my emotions and feelings. I love to play with words, and I love to let people know about my experiences. Others can learn from my experiences. If I can help people like that, makes me happy. I hope that – because they know my story – people can think twice before heading into the same situations I was in. 

As I write these events down, I also learned a lot about how I can write them down.

I have learned these tips on writing I want you to know: 

  • Write your draft first 

  • Edit your draft with grammar errors 

  • Rewrite your draft, in a good article 

  • Edit the grammar errors of the rewrite 

  • Write your final article 

  • Wait for an hour or two hours 

  • Reread your final article 

Write your draft first 

In the first place, write your draft with all the mistakes, errors, nonsense and everything in between – in a word document. It doesn’t matter. When I write my draft first before heading into the rewrites, then I am correcting everything at the same time, my brain can't handle it. So, this is why I write the draft first, all and everything that comes into my mind, with all the mistakes, and errors. 

You see, you made tons of mistakes, especially grammar mistakes. 

Edit your draft with grammar errors 

When I finished my first draft, I will check the errors and mistakes by clicking on the track changes to see and learn what I have done wrong. Accept everything. Sometimes they are a lot, and sometimes they are little. 

When you’re done, keep on track changes function.  

Rewrite your draft, in a good article 

After accepting the corrections, I start rewriting all the sentences in good sentences, as well as rewriting the sentences I want to have said in different ways. There are times I want a total rewrite, and most of the time, I want some changes. 

You will get new grammar mistakes, but that is fine. 

Edit the grammar errors of the rewrite 

When you’re done with your rewrite, check all the new grammar mistakes, as well as the structures of the sentences. Rewrite what your need to rewrite, then look into the grammar again. Sometimes, the suggestions of Word are not what grammar is actually the ones, you need to use.

I always have two tools for my grammar. I use Grammarly and LanguageTools for looking into the grammar, as English is not my first language.

Write your final article 

Write your final article that you actually want to publish. Something you are proud of, but also worked hard for. That you want to show off and tell everyone about. Probably you will still find the mistakes, but at this final stage, give it a go by writing the last mistakes and leaving the article for an hour. 

Wait for an hour or two hours and reread

When you waited for about an hour or maybe two hours, reread your article. Are there still things you need or you want to change. Change them, and repeat all the grammar tips.

At the last moment, reread your article carefully, and then publish them.

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About the writer

Agnes Laurens is a writer. She writes for the local newspaper. Agnes lives in The Netherlands, with her husband and three daughters. You can find her on Vocal, Medium, Elephant Journal, HubPages, Music List. Writing is — aside from playing the violin — one of her passions since childhood. She is on Twitter and Instagram. You can subscribe to my mailing list, and you can subscribe to my Thoughts. Check out her books. She has an online web store, and she has a merchandise store. If you want to be informed about my online store and my merch, please follow this link.

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