Methods to learn languages ​​self-taught in a safe and reliable way based on my experience.

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2 years ago

A cordial greeting to all in this next topic that I am going to explain I express my ideas of how through the years I could have the ability to learn 6 languages on my own and some experience in 2 extra languages, but the case is based that we must have mainly motivation to achieve our goals whatever they are because without motivation and discipline we can not achieve our goals.

As a person I have failures and mistakes but thanks to them I have been able to learn to improve and progress every day, I am an Industrial Engineer by profession but I am passionate about languages as it is a way to connect with different cultures of the world and allows us to learn from universal knowledge.

The languages I speak are Spanish my mother tongue, English second language, French, Italian, Portuguese and German, with experience in Russian and Swedish, but I am still studying them every day as it is one of my hobbies, the essential to all this is to move forward every day to improve, each language has its difficulty but nothing is impossible because there are people who get to speak up to 10 languages or more so in this article I will share my ways to study and to help you learn and give you tips.

In the following link I leave a video of Lýdia Machová a woman I discovered and learned some of her ways to improve every day.

It should be noted that the following steps that I am going to present are ways with which I am still working, since it allows me to learn more and more self-taught every day.

Another day another opportunity is my motto.♥

Step #1

One of my favorite methods is music. Over the years music has been one of the best ways for me to learn how to pronounce words and fine tune my ear because it allows you to hear how you do it and is a good way to correct yourself.

Step #2

Another one that will always be with me even if I make it ugly, singing was one of the best things I could have done at the beginning of learning a language as it allowed me to express myself quickly and achieve fluency in languages with a good result as I had the facility to look up the lyrics and then read and sing them.

Step #3

Cultural exchange with people from other countries via internet through applications, I was always looking for an application that called my attention to start and from there I met many people with whom I did exchange because they wanted to learn Spanish and I could help them after that I had the facility to study their language.

Step # 4

Take notes of words, phrases, verbs, learning methods that allow me to reinforce the knowledge every day.

Step #5

A very fun way that I usually do is video games since there is a huge community of gamers all over the world plus the game settings, options, tutorials, it's a way to learn new words.

Step # 6

Applications that allow you to do basic exercises and reinforce vocabulary are very important.

Step # 7

Watch series and movies that catch your attention to learn vocabulary used daily by native speakers.

Step #8

Sport is a very good source of daily vocabulary that you can add to your day.

Step #9

Don't learn words, verbs, or phrases rarely used in the daily life of each person that is one of the biggest mistakes people make and get stuck, I say this from the experience of friends.

Step #10

Always take notes in your notebook and speak to yourself in the language you are learning.

As a final advice I can tell you that since I am using these methods I have been able to grow as a person and professional, regardless of what your ability to study is nothing is impossible in this life but with effort and dedication we can achieve our goals and objectives.

Always stay humble and kind to people and give the best of yourself.

I leave my social networks for more information of study and exchange.

Greetings and be well out there.

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2 years ago
