work at a time with their rules and regulations is called the dislin, other we can define as,living life with the continuous with rules of life is called the Discipline.
The first question is that what you are living with discipline or what? who are the benefit of living with and disadvantage of nor attempting of this.?
Discipline is a way of life that when a person walk on this way he succeed and arrive fast.If he not this he will not be succeeded and may be turned to other bad works.
Who started first.
first of all when we burn then our parents . Teach us about the discipline of life and the other rules of life.For Example , when we burn we cannot know to go school, this teach us our parents,and after going to school, teacher teach us to who we can read.
We have authoritarian parents. so when they discipline us and my siblings it always means spanking and punishment on the breaking rules of my family. THey don't explain what's wrong they but we did and ends up beating us stead.It is the first truth of the world that parents are parents who do not want their children to get hurt, and not hurt their children by the spanking them. when disciplining then and they talk and explain the reason of beating , But the some parents are which allows their children to do anything under or out of discipline they want and learn for their own step of life.
YOu can read more about by the@aftabkhan.
Other kind of parent;
I am a student and not a parent but my experience I am a observer , so i have watched the how many parents discipling their worn child. And i collect the information of my search how may parents do this.
All of them specially parents. will surely agree that they want their children to create good qualities like that as being well -mannered ant being obedient, and hardworking, honest. But the children will not posses those qualities that their parents want. It take time and disiplin showing good example is required to mold them into better habits.
Every parent has their own method of teaching discipline to their childrens.some are to lenient when inpsing discplind other give sever other are consistent in giving discipline. the parent who love children and thodol the white love always take actions wisley, and if need them may ven spank this in loving method .
Output of attempting Discipline:
A child that attempt discipline will always have and shoe respect to their parents and other oldest people.
Desplined ful dnidl will feel that they are loved and card for their parents if discipline is rightly firven tem and they follow him.
The children who has attempt tthe discipline they will be become as the good and high maner of the society.
Output of not Disciplined;
The man or children who are not properly disciplined always be moes oa source of irritation and thy disturb the environment of the scociery.they became source of tension for their parents.
This child on their practical life cannot make the successful.
Who parents make their children disciplined?.
Parents should be responsible when imposing discipline Before getting angry and worse is telling or their child some hurtful. sword and the world that damage the respect and self respect of the child ,parent not use them .
Best method of teaching discipline to their children is that parents can do this by narrating leasable story that children understand and interest very
I stop this writing because my Online class has start . Mam has came to online I so sorry .
I hope this article you have like and so best.THe syntax of english langue i have not properly infomrd.
so neglect it .
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