Human Resource management system.HRMS,

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3 years ago

ENvironment of Human Resource Management .

The first we operate the changing environamnt in which the HR function operates. THe human capitial , HR as a core com pentency, HR ethics, and HR challanges are to solve in this. THe necessary competencies ofr HR careers are dicudded. Now we addrees strategic HR mamagment , envirnomenal anayses, loagl competitevensse, HR techonology, and the metics to evalute the effectiveness of HR mamgement.

Equal of employemnt opportuinty (EEO) os a main key of the HR concern , both are leaggly and opetationaly.


During the past few years , Enconomic downturnsl industru croises,, bnak fail-uler, closings of the plants and the sotries, changes in the golabal opertations, and the other main factors have singificantyly affected oraanization, man-agers and the Human Resourece mamgement professionals, for Hr and the otherExecutives, thes changes have led to the decisoins about layoffs, reductionsl in the work hours, and the cuts or elimination of some emplyee benffits, HR is the facing a different world becauser of thiese problems or very serious.

Other issues have created different work-of force stratefies as now. A recdnt surve found on the higheghest demand jobs included jobls like registered nurse
, elementary and secondary school teacher, accountatn and the auditor, gernar and the operations manager,network software engineer , and the jobs that contin significant professional responsibilites.

We are working for the humanresource mamgement system . IT is the overwie of our work.

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