Story about how my fanfiction reached 1 million reads (1/2)

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3 years ago

My first stories and 1D obsession

I´m trying to remember the first time when writing stories came to my mind. I know that it was around the time when One Direction (or 1D) and fanfiction stories started to become popular in my country, so it could be around 2012.

My teenage-self immediately fell in love with this British band, and I don´t blame myself - even now I still think they are good looking and charismatic, just my obsession disappeared. 😀

My teenage self with 1D shirt.

It was only natural that soon I stumbled upon fanfictions and let me say - there are so many of them you don't even know! 😀 Harry Potter and Star Wars fanfictions are really popular.

For those readers who don´t know what ´fanfictions´ are:

Fanfictions are written stories created by fans of certain celebrities or books, movies, games... (really anything). It's just like normal stories, but you borrow an already existing character/characters or worlds, and you write about them. You can create a fanfiction where Beyoncé is a famous singer and having adventures, but you can also write about Beyoncé in a world where she's not famous, she's just an ordinary girl and her boyfriend is a vampire - the possibilities are endless, just like with normal stories. 😊

Not many people in Czech Republic wrote 1D fanfictions in 2012, so I needed to read the English ones. At the time my English skills were not good at all. We had English classes in school, but it was not helping. Slowly, I was reading some famous English fanfictions, not knowing that I will be among these famous authors too, in the near future.

So - back to my fanfictions. My first original stories were (of course) written in my native language, Czech. They were just silly ones - I remember one fanfics where I paired Harry Styles with Cat Woman and they were having an affair. :D There were some smutty, graphic parts as well, because I was in puberty and you know… it just happens. 😅

My classmates soon found out about my new hobby and they read my stories - some were encouraging me, some were disgusted, normal stuff. Some of my close classmates wanted me to write a story about them and 1D boys, so I did, and it was fun. One story even got so long that it was more than 20 chapters, and I filled a whole notebook while writing it. You can say that it was the start of my famous days. 🤣

Wattpad and ships

It was before I got to high school when I discovered Wattpad - the website (and app) for writers to publish their work online. Before that I only submitted some of my stories to Czech blogs dedicated to fanfictions, but now I got to make my own profile and post everything, so I was excited.

I was a proud member of the One Direction fandom for a while and well… When you are part of any fandom, you discover all kinds of stuff and dive into your idol's lives even deeper, because it's just natural to do so. When you like a celebrity a lot you just need to know EVERYTHING about the celebrity. (I hope somebody can relate to this, lol.)

My biggest thing was when I discovered ships.

This may sound strange, but fans often imagine and pretend that some celebrities are in a relationship with other celebrities etc. and this is the field where fanfiction writers excel, because in their stories they can make these romances come true. You may have heard of Harry Potter + Draco Malfoy ship or Hermione + Harry or Harry + Snape - these are common even though it can be disturbing for some people and sometimes too much (like incest stuff etc. - I hate these stories too, they should not be legal).

Some Harry + Draco and Harry + Hermione fanfictions.

In 1D fandom, there's this one particular ship that I really like. The ship is called Larry Stylinson - it's a ship where Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson are together as a pair.

Belt up now! I will tell you something shocking about One Direction!


Are you interested in more? No? It's okay. ♥ It was nice seeing you here.

But if you are interested, stay tuned for the second part of my article where I will continue and also (finally, I know) tell you about the story that made me “famous”. I will post it soon.

Take care. ♥

$ 0.02
$ 0.02 from @Princessbusayo
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3 years ago


I'm on wattpad too. I love writing but yeah, my english isn't that good enough. I like fanfic too

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Cool! My English was bad as well, but english readers are really tolerable, so they didn't mind :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

When I saw "fanfiction", I was eager to know what it means. I had wanted to slide into my dictionary until I scrolled down to see how you explained it. Thanks for making me learn from this today. I think I haven't heard of the word before but now, I understand what it means. It's always fun to write a fictional story about someone who is famous. Good one friend.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you for the appreciation. I was thinking for a long time if I need to explain the term fanfiction (I didn't know if others are familiar or not) and I'm glad that I desided to explain it :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago