Knowledge is power

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1 year ago

Knowledge is not lost, it's just hidden. In most cases, all the information that has ever been created is still somewhere but forgotten or in need of retrieval. When you search for a specific piece of information, the way the internet works today, most of the results you get are already curated and selected.

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The value today is in what is chosen and not in all the information that exists. Think of it in terms of treasure hunting. If you want to go treasure hunting, you will probably go somewhere where there are more treasures rather than where there are no treasures.

There are lots of different trading algorithms, methods and techniques out there. There are also good trading courses, books and articles for beginners to learn about these. However, there often seems to be a lack of readily accessible knowledge for intermediate traders.

The information available between beginner and advanced is quite large and not everyone may be at the same point in their trading journey. There are many more advanced topics out there than beginner.

In this article, I will go over some of the intermediate trading topics that traders often ask me about when they want to learn more about the market.

The market maker: One of the most important groups are the market makers. Market makers sit in the exchange and make markets for people who are trying to buy or sell orders. They take the opposite side of every trade. This means that they may have a million dollars to sell for every million dollars that people want to buy. It is important to remember that market makers are not always right, but they try hard to get it right.

Even if the market is wrong, there are other market makers who will take your other side of the trade and correct the mistake. If you have something you want to sell, then you can try to search for someone who wants to buy it at a good price so you can make money, or you can be a market maker and try to buy at a low price and sell at a higher price, which is a strategy called scalping.

I have been trading for quite some time. I have learned a lot of things during this time and I thought that I would collect the most common questions that traders ask me when they want to learn more about trading.

To my wonderful and extreme subscribers, inspiring readers, commentator, Upvoters and also my generous sponsors . Thank you all so much for been there, from the bottom of my heart I say thank you. Adereign cares.

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$ 0.31 from @TheRandomRewarder
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1 year ago


I don't know how to trade my friend. I don't know in trading that's why I want to learn it. I want to experience how to trade.

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1 year ago