The danger of having careless parents

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3 years ago

THE DANGER OF HAVING CARELESS PARENTS By intensive research I was usually able to arrived at justifiable conclusion that no child predicted who becomes his or her parents before arriving to the world. It all happened unpredetermine in line with plan of God. God in his infinite wisdom knew everyone from creation and he positions every to his or parents in line with individuals destinies from the womb. Note no child has the will to predict and desire the kind of parents that should father and mother him or her, but parents of an extinct desire and determined the kind of children they desire and their accomplishment while on earth. Most children where lucky to have a good parents who would rather go naked to ensure their future is protected. While others are so unlucky to have parents that even contributed immensely 95 percent of their unsecured perceived bright future. The worst thing that can happen to a child or children is to find themselves in the hands of parents who never agreed to each other "CRISIS HOME" and who also lacks morality. If they are brought up under such circumstances their tomorrow is at danger. Not only them, but every one that associates with them in relationship. Majority cases of domestic violence, neglects in marriage, lacks of faithfulness and uncultured upbringing are products of crisis home. Every member of a crisis home is like virus and infection. They infects anyone that comes around them immediately for a smooth cooperation to last. Whenever parents fails, it takes the grace of God for their children not to fail especially children from a crisis home. In most time you need not tell people who your parents are, but your attitude tells all about your parents. People's attitude replicate how they were brought up at home. Do not expect respect from a child that lacks respect for the parents.

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Great article

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3 years ago

Thank you

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3 years ago
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3 years ago