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3 years ago



Hey guys, my name is Akshay chauhan and I am an engineering undergrad student. I have become 22 today. I am pursuing BE in Computer Science and Technology. I am a programmer and part-time blogger. I recently started investing in cryptocurrency on various apps. 

Apart from academics, I play basketball and cricket, write microblogs, do competitive programming, gardening, and play e-sports.

I started playing video games since I was a kid.  I could remember my first game was Mario then I switched to snow bros. I use to have Nintendo. But as the era changed switched to Counter-Strike 1.6 and then to  Counter-Strike -GO and many other games will share them in another post.

Apart from it, I have done some social services, planted trees etc. 

I also have an interest in travelling and photography. I have been to seas, mountains, deserts. Love travelling. Where ever I go I use to click at least one picture of that place as a souvenir.  So yes photography and travelling.


Well, My skills are related to computer science and coding. If you need help can ask me.

  • Java

  • Python

  • SQLite


  • JavaScript

  • Data Structures

Contents that I blog on

  • Vedic Mathematics

  • Java and Data Structures

  • Crypto

  • Experiences

  • FAQs

I am here to share my knowledge on my field of expertise and to read the contents of other bloggers. I am also Looking forward to meeting new people here and having conversations with them.

You can follow me on

Publish0x | ac05 (by the way that's zero and not o)

Leo Finance/hive | aco5 (Its o)

$ 0.03
$ 0.02 from @Nyctofiles
+ 1
Avatar for aco5
Written by
3 years ago


Hello. Welcome to the platform and enjoy.

$ 0.00
3 years ago