Words will move through your blood and veins crossing every threshold and bridge within your being.
Words will travel like a pilgrim so divine in vision to the remote places of your soul.
Words will read you and the indecipherable scripts engraved on the tomb of your emotions.
Words will rekindle lives with their delicate touches,
Into the corpses of your emotions
Lying dead in the grave beneath the layersc of your skin,
Shrouded by the silience in the abyss of your hearts and like lost ghost haunts the passage of your throat.
Words will rejuvenate in you,
With a sudden jerk of epiphany,
A new life,
If you drink and inhale their meanings.
And yet my dear, let me dive into the pauses floating between your each words,
To read the annotated mystrey of silience frozen at the edge of your tongue.