You have to know yourself

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3 years ago

Hey everyone....

It's @abanik111 once again here a new artcile publish from everyone.

Today i goona share a new artcile you have to know yourself. In fact it is important knowing oneself is very necessary because nothing can be done in life without knowing yourself.

I tried to write something on my own.if i have mistake,everyone will forgive me.🙏🏻

So let's start my artcile:

Life is beautiful.carefully living to necessary to keep this beautifully life also necessary to overcome frustration and move with the right goal. As a social creature you have to mix with other people.

In the case you have to carefully in choosing a partner. Booth young people need to keep this in need to know yourself as well .you have to constantly think about how your personality developing.

Your should be aware of presenting themselves properly. When a young person develop his personality his clothes ,mannerisms ,personality manner of speaking. Express yourself in everything as a tesfully young man.

It's very difficult to know the real felings of people in words. But not at all. Fellings are expressed when you ask questions with a little carefully .Listen carefully and try to find out what your partner fellings working on.which way is your partner fellings ? In this way you will understand the vule of things of his fellings and present it to your partner .there can be no greater emotional support.

The frist thing you can do is try to listen carefully to your partner. No metter how difficult it is pay attention to your partner words frist try to understand.

Try to keep your thoughts to yourself Even if only for short time . stop talking to your partner about what you are doing or were doing.when he speak,look straight into his eyes And listen.

If you can change yourself then you are very happy to match your spouse and your life will always be better.

No more today..

If you like my artcile please....👇

Have a good day ..

Stay at home ..

Be safe ...


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3 years ago


Ys it’s very important to know us.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

to know all other around you, the first step is know thyself.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Bro you wrote in a nice topic. People should give priority in themself. Everyone should love himself. If you don’t love yourself tham how you expect othet will love you.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Your article has been very nice. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful article

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Listening to your partner is important as it will straighten ones communication with ones partner

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This is one of the best version have read on this topic, good 👍 keep it up continue, knowing is just like you trying to unlock a hidden code in oneself. More elbow to your shoulder, you have my support, let continue the game. Please subscribe like and comment with me.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Very nice writing dear brother. Life is beautiful when we create it beautifully. But life is a joke for me🤣🤣🤣

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3 years ago