Elephant is the biggest creation of God. I afraid of elephant. Recent, in cherela(India), a elephant is died by the people of this area.
হাতি বৃহত্তম স্থলচর স্তন্যপায়ী।হাতি দলবদ্ধ জন্তু। দলপতি হয় সবথেকে শক্তিশালী দাঁতাল। দলের কেন্দ্রে বাচ্চাদের ঘিরে থাকে মা-দিদিমারা। বাচ্চারা বড় হলে দলের বাইরের সারীতে স্থান নেয়। দলছুটও হতে থাকে।
Thanks for sharing a good article.Elephant is the most biggest animal of the world.welcome
স্থানভাগে আমার দেখা সবচেয়ে বড় প্রাণীর মধ্য হলো হাতি। এটা অনেক বড় হওয়ার কারণে অনেকেই এর পাশে যেতে ভয় পাই। তবে বুনো হাতি দলবদ্ধভাবে বসবাস করায় লোকালয়ে ঢুকে পড়ে অনেক ক্ষতি করে।
As big as the elephant is, I heard its afraid of rats, or mice. How true is this? And if true, why?
Elephant daklai Voi laga.kicoden aga akta elephant er gotona pora onek karap lagca.
Elephant is biggest animal......This is most important asset for any country ....now a days this item defunct any country....
This animal most important for the jangle....this is king of beggest animal...I really like this animal .... elephant baby I very like ....
Elephant isone of thebiggest animal.But this animal is now become losing there home.All people should help them.
Elephant is the biggest most biggest animal in a jungle.your article is very unique. Most of the people in the side of jungle love this animal. Keep rising and thank you..
Elephant is biggest animal see me.it looks nice. I like elephant. Most of the people like elephant. Thanks writer well done.
Elephant is one kind off mammals species animal. It is very biggest animal in all over the world. I afraid of elephant very much.
Yes Apu Elephant is one kind off mammals species animal...you are right thanks for your information and important comments shares...
Elephants are the healthiest animals. They live in the forest and can be seen in the zoo again. Elephants usually live family-based